Title 10


Subpart A - General Provisions

10: 110.1
   110.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 110.2
   110.2 Definitions.
10: 110.3
   110.3 Interpretations.
10: 110.4
   110.4 Communications.
10: 110.5
   110.5 Licensing requirements.
10: 110.6
   110.6 Retransfers.
10: 110.7
   110.7 Information collection requirements: OMB approval.
10: 110.7a
   110.7a Completeness and accuracy of information.
10: 110.7b
   110.7b Deliberate misconduct.
10: 110.8
   110.8 List of nuclear facilities and equipment under NRC export licensing authority.
10: 110.9
   110.9 List of Nuclear Material under NRC export licensing authority.
10: 110.9a
   110.9a List of nuclear equipment and material under NRC import licensing authority.