Title 7


Subpart K - Agriculture Innovation Demonstration Centers Source:69 FR 23433, Apr. 29, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

7: 4284.1001
   4284.1001 Purpose.
7: 4284.1002
   4284.1002 Policy.
7: 4284.1003
   4284.1003 Program administration.
7: 4284.1004
   4284.1004 Definitions.
7: 4284.1005-4284.1006
   4284.1005-4284.1006 [Reserved]
7: 4284.1007
   4284.1007 Eligibility for grant assistance.
7: 4284.1008
   4284.1008 Use of grant funds.
7: 4284.1009
   4284.1009 Limitations on awards.
7: 4284.1010
   4284.1010 Application processing.
7: 4284.1011
   4284.1011 Evaluation screening.
7: 4284.1012
   4284.1012 Evaluation process.
7: 4284.1013
   4284.1013 Evaluation criteria and weights.
7: 4284.1014
   4284.1014 Grant closing.
7: 4284.1015-4284.1099
   4284.1015-4284.1099 [Reserved]
7: 4284.1100
   4284.1100 OMB control number.