Title 7

PART 4284

Part 4284 - Grants

PART 4284 - GRANTS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 U.S.C. 1989.

Subpart F also issued under 7 U.S.C 1932(e).

Subpart G also issued under 7 U.S.C 1926(a)(11).

Subpart J also issued under 7 U.S.C. 1632(a).

Subpart K also issued under 7 U.S.C. 1621 note.

Source:62 FR 42387, Aug. 7, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - General Requirements for Cooperative Services Grant Programs
7: 4284.1
   4284.1 Purpose.
7: 4284.2
   4284.2 Policy.
7: 4284.3
   4284.3 Definitions.
7: 4284.4
   4284.4 Appeals.
7: 4284.5
   4284.5 [Reserved]
7: 4284.6
   4284.6 Applicant eligibility.
7: 4284.7
   4284.7 Electronic submission.
7: 4284.8
   4284.8 Grant approval and obligation of funds.
7: 4284.9
   4284.9 Grant disbursement.
7: 4284.10
   4284.10 Ineligible grant purposes.
7: 4284.11
   4284.11 Award requirements.
7: 4284.12
   4284.12 Reporting requirements.
7: 4284.13
   4284.13 Confidentiality of reports.
7: 4284.14
   4284.14 Grant servicing.
7: 4284.15
   4284.15 Performance reviews.
7: 4284.16
   4284.16 Other considerations.
7: 4284.17
   4284.17 Member delegate clause.
7: 4284.18
   4284.18 Audit requirements.
7: 4284.19
   4284.19 Programmatic changes.
7: 4284.20-4284.99
   4284.20-4284.99 [Reserved]
7: 4284.100
   4284.100 OMB control number.
7: B
Subparts B-E [Reserved]
7: F
Subpart F - Rural Cooperative Development Grants
7: 4284.501
   4284.501 Purpose.
7: 4284.502
   4284.502 Policy.
7: 4284.503
   4284.503 Program administration.
7: 4284.504
   4284.504 Definitions.
7: 4284.505-4284.506
   4284.505-4284.506 [Reserved]
7: 4284.507
   4284.507 Eligibility for grant assistance.
7: 4284.508
   4284.508 Use of grant funds.
7: 4284.509
   4284.509 Limitations on grants.
7: 4284.510
   4284.510 Application processing.
7: 4284.511
   4284.511 Evaluation screening.
7: 4284.512
   4284.512 Evaluation process.
7: 4284.513
   4284.513 Evaluation criteria and weights.
7: 4284.514
   4284.514 Grant closing.
7: 4284.515-4284.599
   4284.515-4284.599 [Reserved]
7: 4284.600
   4284.600 OMB control number.
7: G
Subparts G-I [Reserved]
7: J
Subpart J - Value-Added Producer Grant Program
7: 45
7: 4284.901
   4284.901 Purpose.
7: 4284.902
   4284.902 Definitions.
7: 4284.903
   4284.903 Review or appeal rights.
7: 4284.904
   4284.904 Exception authority.
7: 4284.905
   4284.905 Nondiscrimination and compliance with other Federal laws.
7: 4284.906
   4284.906 State laws, local laws, regulatory commission regulations.
7: 4284.907
   4284.907 Environmental requirements.
7: 4284.908
   4284.908 Compliance with other regulations.
7: 4284.909
   4284.909 Forms, regulations, and instructions.
7: 4284.910-4284.914
   4284.910-4284.914 [Reserved]
7: 46
   Funding and Programmatic Change Notifications
7: 4284.915
   4284.915 Notifications.
7: 4284.916-4284.919
   4284.916-4284.919 [Reserved]
7: 47
7: 4284.920
   4284.920 Applicant eligibility.
7: 4284.921
   4284.921 Ineligible Applicants.
7: 4284.922
   4284.922 Project eligibility.
7: 4284.923
   4284.923 Reserved funds eligibility.
7: 4284.924
   4284.924 Priority scoring eligibility.
7: 4284.925
   4284.925 Eligible uses of grant and Matching Funds.
7: 4284.926
   4284.926 Ineligible uses of grant and Matching Funds.
7: 4284.927
   4284.927 Funding limitations.
7: 4284.928-4284.929
   4284.928-4284.929 [Reserved]
7: 48
   Applying for a Grant
7: 4284.930
   4284.930 Preliminary review.
7: 4284.931
   4284.931 Application package.
7: 4284.932
   4284.932 Simplified application.
7: 4284.933
   4284.933 Filing instructions.
7: 4284.934-4284.939
   4284.934-4284.939 [Reserved]
7: 49
   Processing and Scoring Applications
7: 4284.940
   4284.940 Processing applications.
7: 4284.941
   4284.941 Application withdrawal.
7: 4284.942
   4284.942 Proposal evaluation criteria and scoring applications.
7: 4284.943-4284.949
   4284.943-4284.949 [Reserved]
7: 50
   Grant Awards and Agreement
7: 4284.950
   4284.950 Award process.
7: 4284.951
   4284.951 Obligate and award funds.
7: 4284.952-4284.959
   4284.952-4284.959 [Reserved]
7: 51
   Post Award Activities and Requirements
7: 4284.960
   4284.960 Monitoring and reporting program performance.
7: 4284.961
   4284.961 Grant servicing.
7: 4284.962
   4284.962 Transfer of obligations.
7: 4284.963-4284.999
   4284.963-4284.999 [Reserved]
7: K
Subpart K - Agriculture Innovation Demonstration Centers
7: 4284.1001
   4284.1001 Purpose.
7: 4284.1002
   4284.1002 Policy.
7: 4284.1003
   4284.1003 Program administration.
7: 4284.1004
   4284.1004 Definitions.
7: 4284.1005-4284.1006
   4284.1005-4284.1006 [Reserved]
7: 4284.1007
   4284.1007 Eligibility for grant assistance.
7: 4284.1008
   4284.1008 Use of grant funds.
7: 4284.1009
   4284.1009 Limitations on awards.
7: 4284.1010
   4284.1010 Application processing.
7: 4284.1011
   4284.1011 Evaluation screening.
7: 4284.1012
   4284.1012 Evaluation process.
7: 4284.1013
   4284.1013 Evaluation criteria and weights.
7: 4284.1014
   4284.1014 Grant closing.
7: 4284.1015-4284.1099
   4284.1015-4284.1099 [Reserved]
7: 4284.1100
   4284.1100 OMB control number.