7: | SECTION 1951.701
| 1951.701 Purpose. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.702
| 1951.702 Definitions. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.703
| 1951.703 Policy. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.704-1951.705
| 1951.704-1951.705 [Reserved] | |
7: | SECTION 1951.706
| 1951.706 Initial determination that unauthorized assistance was received. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.707
| 1951.707 Determination of the amount of unauthorized assistance. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.708
| 1951.708 Notification to recipient. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.709
| 1951.709 Decision on servicing actions. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.710
| 1951.710 [Reserved] | |
7: | SECTION 1951.711
| 1951.711 Servicing options in lieu of liquidation or legal action to collect. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.712-1951.716
| 1951.712-1951.716 [Reserved] | |
7: | SECTION 1951.717
| 1951.717 Exception authority. | |
7: | SECTION 1951.718-1951.750
| 1951.718-1951.750 [Reserved] | |