Title 7
Subpart D - ARC and PLC Contract Terms and Enrollment Provisions for Covered Commodities
- 7 U.S.C. 1508b, 7911-7912, 7916, 8702, 8711-8712, 8751-8752, and 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c.
- 79 FR 46339, Aug. 8, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
7: | SECTION 1412.41 | 1412.41 ARC or PLC program contract. | |
7: | SECTION 1412.42 | 1412.42 Eligible producers. | |
7: | SECTION 1412.43 | 1412.43 Reconstitutions. | |
7: | SECTION 1412.44-1412.45 | 1412.44-1412.45 [Reserved] | |
7: | SECTION 1412.46 | 1412.46 Planting flexibility. | |
7: | SECTION 1412.49 | 1412.49 Matters of general applicability. | |
7: | SECTION 1412.50 | 1412.50 Transfer of land and succession-in-interest. |