Title 50


Part 91 - Migratory Bird Hunting And Conservation Stamp Contest

PART 91 - MIGRATORY BIRD HUNTING AND CONSERVATION STAMP CONTEST Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 16 U.S.C. 718j; 31 U.S.C. 9701. Source:53 FR 16344, May 6, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

50: A
Subpart A - Introduction
50: 91.1
   91.1 Purpose of regulations.
50: 91.2
   91.2 Definitions.
50: 91.3
   91.3 Public attendance at contest.
50: 91.4
   91.4 Eligible species.
50: B
Subpart B - Procedures for Entering the Contest
50: 91.11
   91.11 Contest opening date and entry deadline.
50: 91.12
   91.12 Contest eligibility.
50: 91.13
   91.13 Technical requirements for design and submission of entry.
50: 91.14
   91.14 Restrictions on subject matter for entry.
50: 91.15
   91.15 [Reserved]
50: 91.16
   91.16 Submission procedures for entry.
50: 91.17
   91.17 Property insurance for contest entries.
50: 91.18
   91.18 Failure to comply with contest regulations.
50: C
Subpart C - Procedures for Administering the Contest
50: 91.21
   91.21 Selection and qualification of contest judges.
50: 91.22
   91.22 Display of contest entries.
50: 91.23
   91.23 Scoring criteria for contest.
50: 91.24
   91.24 Contest procedures.
50: D
Subpart D - Post-Contest Procedures
50: 91.31
   91.31 Return of entries after contest.