Title 5


Subpart G - Suspension

5: 919.700
   919.700 When may the suspending official issue a suspension
5: 919.705
   919.705 What does the suspending official consider in issuing a suspension
5: 919.710
   919.710 When does a suspension take effect
5: 919.715
   919.715 What notice does the suspending official give me if I am suspended
5: 919.720
   919.720 How may I contest a suspension
5: 919.725
   919.725 How much time do I have to contest a suspension
5: 919.730
   919.730 What information must I provide to the suspending official if I contest a suspension
5: 919.735
   919.735 Under what conditions do I get an additional opportunity to challenge the facts on which the suspension is based
5: 919.740
   919.740 Are suspension proceedings formal
5: 919.745
   919.745 How is fact-finding conducted
5: 919.750
   919.750 What does the suspending official consider in deciding whether to continue or terminate my suspension
5: 919.755
   919.755 When will I know whether the suspension is continued or terminated
5: 919.760
   919.760 How long may my suspension last