Title 5


Subpart H - Special Provisions for TRICARE-Eligible Individuals (TEI) Source:83 FR 58180, Nov. 19, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

5: 894.801
   894.801 Am I eligible for FEDVIP based on my eligibility to enroll in a TRICARE dental or health plan
5: 894.802
   894.802 Am I a TEI for a FEDVIP dental plan (TEI-D) if I am eligible to enroll or be covered under the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program
5: 894.803
   894.803 Am I a TEI for a FEDVIP vision plan (TEI-V) based on my concurrent enrollment in a TRICARE health plan
5: 894.804
   894.804 Am I a sponsor for a FEDVIP dental or vision plan
5: 894.805
   894.805 I am not a TEI-D or TEI-V, but I am a sponsor. Am I eligible to cover my TEI family members
5: 894.806
   894.806 Can a retiree or Retired Reserve member enroll and cover TEI family members in a FEDVIP dental plan
5: 894.807
   894.807 Can an active duty member enroll or be covered under a FEDVIP vision plan
5: 894.808
   894.808 I am a TEI family member. Can I enroll myself in FEDVIP
5: 894.809
   894.809 Who is a TEI certifying family member, and may I be the enrollee if I accept this responsibility
5: 894.810
   894.810 If I enroll for self plus one, may I decide which TEI family member to cover
5: 894.811
   894.811 I am a TEI family member of a sponsor who is a retiree or Retired Reserve member who is not on active duty. My sponsor is a TEI-D but is not enrolled in a FEDVIP dental plan. Can I enroll in a FEDVIP dental plan even though my sponsor is eligible to enroll but is not enrolled
5: 894.812
   894.812 I am a widow or widower TEI family member. Can I enroll my TEI child who is a TEI family member without enrolling myself in FEDVIP
5: 894.813
   894.813 I am a TEI former spouse. Am I eligible to enroll in a FEDVIP vision plan
5: 894.814
   894.814 Is a foster child included in the definition of TEI family member
5: 894.815
   894.815 I am a sponsor. Am I responsible to notify the Administrator and my TEI family members when my FEDVIP dental or vision eligibility and/or enrollment status changes
5: 894.816
   894.816 If I return from active duty and retire, what happens to my TEI family members' enrollment in their FEDVIP vision plan
5: 894.817
   894.817 If I am a retiree who is a TEI-V and I return to active duty, what happens to my TEI family members' enrollment in their FEDVIP vision plan