Title 5


Subpart B - Eligibility and Participation

5: 892.201
   892.201 Who is covered by the premium conversion plan
5: 892.202
   892.202 Are retirees eligible for the premium conversion plan
5: 892.203
   892.203 When will my premium conversion begin
5: 892.204
   892.204 How do I waive participation in premium conversion before the benefit first becomes effective
5: 892.205
   892.205 May I waive participation in premium conversion after the initial implementation
5: 892.206
   892.206 Can I cancel my waiver and participate in premium conversion
5: 892.207
   892.207 Can I make changes to my FEHB enrollment while I am participating in premium conversion
5: 892.208
   892.208 Can I decrease my enrollment type at any time
5: 892.209
   892.209 Can I cancel FEHB coverage at any time
5: 892.210
   892.210 Does premium conversion change the effective date of an FEHB enrollment, change in enrollment, or cancellation of enrollment
5: 892.211
   892.211 What options are available to me if I go on a period of leave without pay (LWOP) or other types of non-pay status