Title 5


Subpart N - Federal Employees Health Benefits For Employees of Certain Indian Tribal Employers Source:81 FR 95405, Dec. 28, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

5: 890.1401
   890.1401 Purpose.
5: 890.1402
   890.1402 Definitions and deemed references.
5: 890.1403
   890.1403 Tribal employer purchase of FEHB requires current deposit of premium payment and timely payment of administrative fee.
5: 890.1404
   890.1404 Tribal employer election and agreement to purchase FEHB.
5: 890.1405
   890.1405 Tribal employees eligible for enrollment.
5: 890.1406
   890.1406 Correction of enrollment errors.
5: 890.1407
   890.1407 Enrollment process; effective dates.
5: 890.1408
   890.1408 Change in enrollment type, plan, or option.
5: 890.1409
   890.1409 Cancellation of coverage or decreases in enrollment.
5: 890.1410
   890.1410 Termination of enrollment and 31-day temporary extension of coverage; and conversion to individual policy.
5: 890.1411
   890.1411 Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC).
5: 890.1412
   890.1412 Non-pay status, insufficient pay, or change to ineligible position.
5: 890.1413
   890.1413 Premiums and administrative fee.
5: 890.1414
   890.1414 Responsibilities of the tribal employer.
5: 890.1415
   890.1415 Reconsideration of enrollment and eligibility decisions and appeal rights.
5: 890.1416
   890.1416 Filing claims for payment or service and court review.
5: 890.1417
   890.1417 No continuation of FEHB enrollment into retirement from employment with a tribal employer.
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   890.1418 No continuation of FEHB enrollment in compensationer status past 365 days.