Title 5


Subpart C - Enrollment

5: 890.301
   890.301 Opportunities for employees who are not participants in premium conversion to enroll or change enrollment; effective dates.
5: 890.302
   890.302 Coverage of family members.
5: 890.303
   890.303 Continuation of enrollment.
5: 890.304
   890.304 Termination of enrollment.
5: 890.305
   890.305 Reinstatement of enrollment after military service.
5: 890.306
   890.306 When can annuitants or survivor annuitants change enrollment or reenroll and what are the effective dates
5: 890.307
   890.307 Waiver or suspension of annuity or compensation.
5: 890.308
   890.308 Disenrollment and removal from enrollment.