Title 5


Subpart A - Administration and General Provisions

5: 890.101
   890.101 Definitions; time computations.
5: 890.102
   890.102 Coverage.
5: 890.103
   890.103 Correction of errors.
5: 890.104
   890.104 Initial decision and reconsideration on enrollment.
5: 890.105
   890.105 Filing claims for payment or service.
5: 890.106
   890.106 Carrier entitlement to pursue subrogation and reimbursement recoveries.
5: 890.107
   890.107 Court review.
5: 890.108
   890.108 Will OPM waive requirements for continued coverage during retirement
5: 890.109
   890.109 Exclusion of certain periods of eligibility when determining continued coverage during retirement.
5: 890.110
   890.110 Enrollment reconciliation.
5: 890.111
   890.111 Continuation of eligibility for former Federal employees of the Civilian Marksmanship Program.
5: 890.112
   890.112 Continuation of coverage for certain Senate Restaurants employees.