Title 5


Subpart E - Coverage

5: 870.501
   870.501 Basic insurance: Effective dates of automatic coverage.
5: 870.502
   870.502 Basic insurance: Waiver/cancellation of insurance.
5: 870.503
   870.503 Basic insurance: Cancelling a waiver.
5: 870.504
   870.504 Optional insurance: Election.
5: 870.505
   870.505 Optional insurance: Waiver/cancellation of insurance.
5: 870.506
   870.506 Optional insurance: Cancelling a waiver.
5: 870.507
   870.507 Open enrollment periods.
5: 870.508
   870.508 Nonpay status.
5: 870.509
   870.509 Transfers to international organizations.
5: 870.510
   870.510 Continuation of eligibility for former Federal employees of the Civilian Marksmanship Program.