Title 5


Subpart G - 1998 Open Enrollment Elections Source:63 FR 33233, June 18, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

5: 139
Who May Elect
5: 846.701
   846.701 Purpose and scope.
5: 846.702
   846.702 Definitions.
5: 846.703
   846.703 Effective date of FERS coverage.
5: 846.704
   846.704 Irrevocability of an election of FERS coverage.
5: 846.711
   846.711 Eligibility to elect FERS coverage during the 1998 open enrollment period.
5: 846.712
   846.712 Statutory exclusions.
5: 846.713
   846.713 Former spouse consent requirement.
5: 140
Election Procedures
5: 846.721
   846.721 Electing FERS coverage.
5: 846.722
   846.722 Former spouse's consent to an election of FERS coverage.
5: 846.723
   846.723 Agency responsibilities.
5: 846.724
   846.724 Belated elections and correction of administrative errors.
5: 846.725
   846.725 Appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board.
5: 846.726
   846.726 Delegation of authority to act as OPM's agent for receipt of employee communications relating to elections.