Title 5


Subpart G - Alternative Forms of Annuities Source:52 FR 2067, Jan. 16, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

5: 842.701
   842.701 Purpose.
5: 842.702
   842.702 Definitions.
5: 842.703
   842.703 Eligibility.
5: 842.704
   842.704 Election requirements.
5: 842.705
   842.705 Alternative forms of annuities available.
5: 842.706
   842.706 Computation of alternative form of annuity.
5: 842.707
   842.707 Partial deferred payment of the lump-sum credit if annuity commences after January 3, 1988, and before October 1, 1989.
5: 842.708
   842.708 Partial deferred payment of the lump-sum credit if annuity commences after December 2, 1989, and before October 1, 1995.