Title 5


Subpart F - Terminology Used in Court Orders Affecting Employee Annuities or Refunds of Employee Contributions

5: 83
Regulatory Structure
5: 838.601
   838.601 Purpose and scope.
5: 84
Identification of Benefits
5: 838.611
   838.611 Identifying the retirement system.
5: 838.612
   838.612 Distinguishing between annuities and contributions.
5: 85
Computation of Benefits
5: 838.621
   838.621 Prorata share.
5: 838.622
   838.622 Cost-of-living and salary adjustments.
5: 838.623
   838.623 Computing lengths of service.
5: 838.624
   838.624 Distinguishing between formulas and fixed amounts.
5: 838.625
   838.625 Types of annuity.
5: 86
Model Paragraphs
5: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 838 - Recommended Language for Court Orders Dividing Employee Annuities