Title 5


Subpart F - Survivor Annuities Source:50 FR 20070, May 13, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

5: 19
Organization and Structure of Regulations on Survivor Annuities
5: 831.601
   831.601 Purpose and scope.
5: 831.602
   831.602 Relation to other regulations.
5: 831.603
   831.603 Definitions.
5: 20
Elections at the Time of Retirement
5: 831.611
   831.611 Election at time of retirement of fully reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity.
5: 831.612
   831.612 Election at time of retirement of a fully reduced annuity or a partially reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity.
5: 831.613
   831.613 Election of insurable interest annuity.
5: 831.614
   831.614 Election of a self-only annuity or partially reduced annuity by married employees and Members.
5: 831.615
   831.615 [Reserved]
5: 831.616
   831.616 Elections by previously retired retiree with new title to an annuity.
5: 831.617
   831.617 [Reserved]
5: 831.618
   831.618 Waiver of spousal consent requirement.
5: 831.619
   831.619 Marital status at time of retirement.
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Changes of Survivor Elections
5: 831.621
   831.621 Changes of election before final adjudication.
5: 831.622
   831.622 Changes of election after final adjudication.
5: 22
Post-Retirement Elections
5: 831.631
   831.631 Post-retirement election of fully reduced annuity or partially reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity.
5: 831.632
   831.632 Post-retirement election of fully reduced annuity or partially reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity.
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5: 831.641
   831.641 Division of a survivor annuity.
5: 831.642
   831.642 Marriage duration requirements.
5: 831.643
   831.643 Time for filing applications for death benefits.
5: 831.644
   831.644 Remarriage.
5: 831.645
   831.645 Elections between survivor annuities.
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Payment of Survivor Annuities
5: 831.651
   831.651 Commencing and terminating dates of survivor annuities.
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Survivor Election Deposits
5: 831.661
   831.661 Deposits not subject to waiver.
5: 831.662
   831.662 Deposits required to change an election after final adjudication.
5: 831.663
   831.663 Actuarial reduction in annuity of retirees who make post-retirement elections to provide a current spouse annuity or a former spouse annuity.
5: 831.664
   831.664 Post-retirement survivor election deposits that were partially paid before October 1, 1993.
5: 831.665
   831.665 Payment of deposits under § 831.631, § 831.632, § 831.682, or § 831.684 under pre-October 1, 1993, law or when the retiree has died prior to October 1, 1993.
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Children's Annuities
5: 831.671
   831.671 Proof of eligibility for a child's annuity.
5: 831.672
   831.672 Annuity for a child age 18 to 22 during full-time school attendance.
5: 831.673
   831.673 Rates of child annuities.
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Regulations Pertaining to Noncodified Statutes
5: 831.681
   831.681 Annual notice required by Public Law 95-317.
5: 831.682
   831.682 Election by a retiree who retired before May 7, 1985, to provide a former spouse annuity.
5: 831.683
   831.683 Annuities for former spouses of employees or Members retired before May 7, 1985.
5: 831.684
   831.684 Second chance elections to provide survivor benefits.
5: 831.685
   831.685 Changes in elections to provide a current spouse annuity by a retiree who retired before May 28, 1986.