Title 5


Subpart A - Administration and General Provisions

5: 831.101
   831.101 Administration.
5: 831.102
   831.102 Basic records.
5: 831.103
   831.103 Evidence.
5: 831.104
   831.104 Application.
5: 831.105
   831.105 Computation of interest.
5: 831.106
   831.106 Disclosure of information.
5: 831.107
   831.107 Computation of time.
5: 831.109
   831.109 Initial decision and reconsideration.
5: 831.110
   831.110 Appeals.
5: 831.111
   831.111 Employee deductions and agency contributions.
5: 831.112
   831.112 Definitions of employee.
5: 831.113
   831.113 Payments to children.
5: 831.114
   831.114 Voluntary early retirement-substantial delayering, reorganization, reduction in force, transfer of function, or other workforce restructuring.
5: 831.115
   831.115 Garnishment of CSRS payments.
5: 831.116
   831.116 Garnishment of payments after disbursement.
5: 831.117
   831.117 Computation of the supplemental liability.