Title 5


Subpart D - Employees in Certain Agencies and Positions

5: 734.401
   734.401 Coverage.
5: 734.402
   734.402 Expression of an employee's individual opinion.
5: 734.403
   734.403 Participation in elections.
5: 734.404
   734.404 Participation in political organizations.
5: 734.405
   734.405 Campaigning for a spouse or family member.
5: 734.406
   734.406 Participation in political activities while on duty, in uniform, in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties, or using a Federal vehicle; prohibition.
5: 734.407
   734.407 Use of official authority; prohibition.
5: 734.408
   734.408 Participation in political management and political campaigning; prohibitions.
5: 734.409
   734.409 Participation in political organizations; prohibitions.
5: 734.410
   734.410 Participation in political fundraising; prohibitions.
5: 734.411
   734.411 Participation in political campaigning; prohibitions.
5: 734.412
   734.412 Participation in elections; prohibitions.
5: 734.413
   734.413 Employees of the Federal Election Commission; prohibitions.