Appendix D to Part 604 - Table of Potential Remedies
49: : Appendix D
Appendix D to Part 604 - Table of Potential Remedies
Remedy Assessment Matrix:

Remedy Policy - This remedy policy applies to decisions by the
Chief Counsel, Presiding Officials, and final determinations by the
Administrator. - Remedy calculation is based on the following
(1) The nature and circumstances of the violation;
(2) The extent and gravity of the violation (“extent of
deviation from regulatory requirements”);
(3) The revenue earned (“economic benefit”) by providing the
charter service;
(4) The operating budget of the recipient;
(5) Such other matters as justice may require; and
(6) Whether a recipient provided service described in a cease
and desist order after issuance of such order by the Chief
[73 FR 44935, Aug. 1, 2008; 73 FR 46554, Aug. 11, 2008]