Title 49

PART 572

Part 572 - Anthropomorphic Test Devices

PART 572 - ANTHROPOMORPHIC TEST DEVICES Authority:49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95 Editorial Notes:1. For compliance provisions relating to a vehicle's conformance with the performance requirements of Standard No. 208 (§ 571.208) relating to the part 572 test dummy, see the “Effective Date Note” at subpart E of this part.

2. Nomenclature changes to part 572 appear at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004.

49: A
Subpart A - General
49: 572.1
   572.1 Scope.
49: 572.2
   572.2 Purpose.
49: 572.3
   572.3 Application.
49: 572.4
   572.4 Terminology.
49: B
Subpart B - 50th Percentile Male
49: 572.5
   572.5 General description.
49: 572.6
   572.6 Head.
49: 572.7
   572.7 Neck.
49: 572.8
   572.8 Thorax.
49: 572.9
   572.9 Lumbar spine, abdomen, and pelvis.
49: 572.10
   572.10 Limbs.
49: 572.11
   572.11 Test conditions and instrumentation.
49: C
Subpart C - 3-Year-Old Child
49: 572.15
   572.15 General description.
49: 572.16
   572.16 Head.
49: 572.17
   572.17 Neck.
49: 572.18
   572.18 Thorax.
49: 572.19
   572.19 Lumbar spine, abdomen and pelvis.
49: 572.20
   572.20 Limbs.
49: 572.21
   572.21 Test conditions and instrumentation.
49: D
Subpart D - 6-Month-Old Infant
49: 572.25
   572.25 General description.
49: E
Subpart E - Hybrid III Test Dummy
49: 572.30
   572.30 Incorporated materials.
49: 572.31
   572.31 General description.
49: 572.32
   572.32 Head.
49: 572.33
   572.33 Neck.
49: 572.34
   572.34 Thorax.
49: 572.35
   572.35 Limbs.
49: 572.36
   572.36 Test conditions and instrumentation.
49: F
Subpart F - Side Impact Dummy 50th Percentile Male
49: 572.40
   572.40 Incorporated materials.
49: 572.41
   572.41 General description.
49: 572.42
   572.42 Thorax.
49: 572.43
   572.43 Lumbar spine and pelvis.
49: 572.44
   572.44 Instrumentation and test conditions.
49: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 572 - Figures
49: G
Subparts G-H [Reserved]
49: I
Subpart I - 6-Year-Old Child
49: 572.70
   572.70 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.71
   572.71 General description.
49: 572.72
   572.72 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.73
   572.73 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.74
   572.74 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.75
   572.75 Lumbar spine, abdomen, and pelvis assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.76
   572.76 Limbs assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.77
   572.77 Instrumentation.
49: 572.78
   572.78 Performance test conditions.
   Figures to Subpart I of Part 572
49: J
Subpart J - 9-Month Old Child
49: 572.80
   572.80 Incorporated materials.
49: 572.81
   572.81 General description.
49: 572.82
   572.82 Head.
49: 572.83
   572.83 Head-neck.
49: 572.84
   572.84 Thorax.
49: 572.85
   572.85 Lumbar spine flexure.
49: 572.86
   572.86 Test conditions and dummy adjustment.
49: K
Subpart K - Newborn Infant
49: 572.90
   572.90 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.91
   572.91 General description.
49: L
Subpart L - Free Motion Headform
49: 572.100
   572.100 Incorporation by Reference.
49: 572.101
   572.101 General description.
49: 572.102
   572.102 Drop test.
49: 572.103
   572.103 Test conditions and instrumentation.
49: M
Subpart M - Side Impact Hybrid Dummy 50th Percentile Male
49: 572.110
   572.110 Materials incorporated by reference.
49: 572.111
   572.111 General description.
49: 572.112
   572.112 Head assembly.
49: 572.113
   572.113 Neck assembly.
49: 572.114
   572.114 Thorax.
49: 572.115
   572.115 Lumbar spine and pelvis.
49: 572.116
   572.116 Instrumentation and test conditions.
49: N
Subpart N - Six-year-old Child Test Dummy, Beta Version
49: 572.120
   572.120 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.121
   572.121 General description.
49: 572.122
   572.122 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.123
   572.123 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.124
   572.124 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.125
   572.125 Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test procedure.
49: 572.126
   572.126 Knees and knee impact test procedure.
49: 572.127
   572.127 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Figures to Subpart N of Part 572
49: O
Subpart O - Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy, Alpha Version
49: 572.130
   572.130 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.131
   572.131 General description.
49: 572.132
   572.132 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.133
   572.133 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.134
   572.134 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.135
   572.135 Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test procedure.
49: 572.136
   572.136 Knees and knee impact test procedure.
49: 572.137
   572.137 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Figures to Subpart O of Part 572
49: P
Subpart P - 3-year-Old Child Crash Test Dummy, Alpha Version
49: 572.140
   572.140 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.141
   572.141 General description.
49: 572.142
   572.142 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.143
   572.143 Neck-headform assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.144
   572.144 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.145
   572.145 Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test procedure.
49: 572.146
   572.146 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Figures to Subpart P of Part 572
49: R
Subpart R - CRABI 12-Month-Old Infant, Alpha Version
49: 572.150
   572.150 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.151
   572.151 General description.
49: 572.152
   572.152 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.153
   572.153 Neck-headform assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.154
   572.154 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.155
   572.155 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Figures to Subpart R of Part 572
49: S
Subpart S - Hybrid III Six-Year-Old Weighted Child Test Dummy
49: 572.160
   572.160 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.161
   572.161 General description.
49: 572.162
   572.162 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.163
   572.163 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.164
   572.164 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.165
   572.165 Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test procedure.
49: 572.166
   572.166 Knees and knee impact test procedure.
49: 572.167
   572.167 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Figures to Subpart S of Part 572
49: T
Subpart T - Hybrid III 10-Year-Old Child Test Dummy (HIII-10C)
49: 572.170
   572.170 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.171
   572.171 General description.
49: 572.172
   572.172 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.173
   572.173 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.174
   572.174 Thorax assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.175
   572.175 Upper and lower torso assemblies and torso flexion test procedure.
49: 572.176
   572.176 Knees and knee impact test procedure.
49: 572.177
   572.177 Test conditions and instrumentation.
   Appendix - Figures to Subpart T of Part 572
49: U
Subpart U - ES-2re Side Impact Crash Test Dummy, 50th Percentile Adult Male
49: 572.180
   572.180 Incorporated materials.
49: 572.181
   572.181 General description.
49: 572.182
   572.182 Head assembly.
49: 572.183
   572.183 Neck assembly.
49: 572.184
   572.184 Shoulder assembly.
49: 572.185
   572.185 Thorax (upper torso) assembly.
49: 572.186
   572.186 Abdomen assembly.
49: 572.187
   572.187 Lumbar spine.
49: 572.188
   572.188 Pelvis.
49: 572.189
   572.189 Instrumentation and test conditions.
49: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart U of Part 572 - Figures
49: V
Subpart V - SID-IIsD Side Impact Crash Test Dummy, Small Adult Female
49: 572.190
   572.190 Incorporated materials.
49: 572.191
   572.191 General description.
49: 572.192
   572.192 Head assembly.
49: 572.193
   572.193 Neck assembly.
49: 572.194
   572.194 Shoulder.
49: 572.195
   572.195 Thorax with arm.
49: 572.196
   572.196 Thorax without arm.
49: 572.197
   572.197 Abdomen.
49: 572.198
   572.198 Pelvis acetabulum.
49: 572.199
   572.199 Pelvis iliac.
49: 572.200
   572.200 Instrumentation and test conditions.
49: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart V of Part 572 - Figures
49: W
Subpart W - Q3s Three-Year-Old Child Test Dummy
49: 572.210
   572.210 Incorporation by reference.
49: 572.211
   572.211 General description.
49: 572.212
   572.212 Head assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.213
   572.213 Neck assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.214
   572.214 Shoulder assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.215
   572.215 Thorax with arm assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.216
   572.216 Thorax without arm assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.217
   572.217 Lumbar spine assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.218
   572.218 Pelvis assembly and test procedure.
49: 572.219
   572.219 Test conditions and instrumentation.
49: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart W of Part 572 - Figures