Appendix B to Part 512 - General Class Determinations
49: : Appendix B
Appendix B to Part 512 - General Class Determinations
The Chief Counsel has determined that the following types of
information would presumptively be likely to result in substantial
competitive harm if disclosed to the public:
(1) Blueprints and engineering drawings containing process and
production data where the subject could not be manufactured without
the blueprints or engineering drawings except after significant
reverse engineering;
(2) Future specific model plans (to be protected only until the
date on which the specific model to which the plan pertains is
first offered for sale); and
(3) Future vehicle production or sales figures for specific
models (to be protected only until the termination of the
production period for the model year vehicle to which the
information pertains).
[68 FR 44228, July 28, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 21425, Apr. 21,