Appendix H to Part 238 - Rigid Locomotive Design Computer Model Input Data and Geometrical Depiction
49: : Appendix H
Appendix H to Part 238 - Rigid Locomotive Design Computer Model
Input Data and Geometrical Depiction
(a) As specified in § 238.705(a)(4), this appendix provides
input data and a geometrical depiction necessary to create a
computer model of the rigid locomotive design for use in evaluating
the occupied volume integrity of a Tier III trainset in a dynamic
collision scenario. (This appendix may also be applied to a Tier I
alternative passenger trainset to evaluate its occupied volume
integrity, in accordance with appendix G to this part).
(b) The input data, in the form of an input file, contains the
geometry for approximately the first 12 feet of the rigid
locomotive design. Because this input file is for a half-symmetric
model, a locomotive mass corresponding to 130,000 pounds of weight
is provided for modeling purposes - half the 260,000 pounds of
weight specified for the locomotive in § 238.705(a)(4). Figure 1 to
this appendix provides two views of the locomotive's geometric
depiction. The input data is contained in Appendix C to FRA's
Technical Criteria and Procedures Report, available at

[83 FR
59229, Nov. 21, 2018]