Appendix A to Part 1511 - Aviation Security Infrastructure Fee
49: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 1511 - Aviation Security Infrastructure Fee
Instructions General guidance
When filling out this form, the responding air carrier or
foreign air carrier shall include all costs incurred in calendar
year 2000 by that air carrier for the screening of passengers and
property. Costs are those attributed to the screening of passengers
and property in the United States for both flights within the
United States and flights from the United States to foreign
destinations. Reported costs must be consistent with the air
carrier's financial accounting information reported in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles.
Where actual costs of screening passengers and property cannot
be directly identified through an air carrier's accounting system,
the air carrier shall use an appropriate alternate cost assignment
methodology. Documentation that explains and supports the
assignment methodology used, the applicable pool and the allocation
basis must be made available upon request. For costs related to
capitalized property, please report the associated depreciation
expense incurred during calendar year 2000. Capitalization policy
must also be made available upon request.
To the extent necessary, the reporting air carrier may aggregate
those specific costs that have been incurred but cannot be stated
in the detailed cost categories requested by this form. However,
all of the costs identified by this form must be included in the
total calculations. In addition, explanations regarding costs that
have been aggregated need to be provided. Costs reported in
Appendix A do not need to include costs that may have been incurred
for a position higher than those of the air carrier's director of
security (or equivalent). Costs incurred for higher positions, such
as those of the air carrier's chief executive officer, do not need
to be included.
When including cost information on acquired and/or merged air
carriers, the successor air carrier must specify the names of all
of such entities whose calendar year 2000 passenger and property
screening costs are included in that air carrier's submission as
Appendix A.
The costs listed below are to be in US dollars, rounded to the
nearest dollar. Place a zero in the appropriate box to indicate
cost categories in which the air carrier did not incur costs for
passenger and property screening in calendar year 2000.
Supporting Notes
Examples of cost types that appear in the supporting notes below
are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to set
forth all relevant costs that must be reported by air carriers and
foreign air carriers. In submitting information to TSA, air
carriers and foreign air carriers must submit all of their relevant
costs, regardless of whether those costs have been specifically
illustrated in the notes.
Submission of Data
This form will be available electronically from the Department
of Transportation's website at Air carriers are
asked to return the completed form by certified mail to: Chief
Financial Officer, Transportation Security Administration,
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC
20590. Please also submit the same information in Microsoft Word
either on a computer disk or by e-mail to
[email protected].
Confidentiality of Data
Consistent with 49 CFR § 1511.5(f), information submitted in
Appendix A is deemed to be Sensitive Security Information and will
be so protected from public disclosure under 49 U.S.C. 40119(b). In
addition, confidential business information and economic
information provided in Appendix A will be protected from public
disclosure, as appropriate, under 5 U.S.C. § 552 (the Freedom of
Information Act), 14 CFR § 302.12, and 18 U.S.C. § 1905. Requests
for confidentiality must be filed with the Office of the General
Counsel, Department of Transportation (C-10), 400 Seventh Street,
SW, Room 10102, Washington, DC 20590.

Supporting Notes
a. These are costs that the air carrier incurred directly.
Includes costs incurred for air carrier personnel salaries and
benefits, equipment owned, leased or rented directly by that air
carrier and any other costs directly incurred.
b. These are costs that the air carrier incurred through
contracts with security firms. Includes personnel, equipment and
other costs incurred through contracts with third party security
c. These are costs that the air carrier incurred through other
means. Includes costs incurred through air carrier security
1. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of
checkpoint screening personnel.
2. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of
exit lane monitors.
3. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of
cargo screeners.
4. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of
checked baggage screeners.
5. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of all
baggage runners who move property such as baggage to and from
screening areas.
6. Salary, benefits, overtime, retirement and other costs of all
supervisory personnel, including Checkpoint Screening
7. All associated expensed non-labor costs including computers,
communications equipment, time management systems, supplies,
parking, identification badging, furniture, fixtures, and
8. All costs of performing required background investigations on
all screening personnel and supervisors. Screening personnel and
supervisors includes checkpoint screening personnel, exit lane
monitors, cargo screeners, checked baggage screeners, baggage
runners, and their supervisors.
9. All costs incurred for the training and testing of all
screening personnel and supervisors, including initial, recurrent
and remedial training. Includes any computer-based training and the
development of training programs for the screening of persons and
property as well as any travel, room and board, and all other such
expenses related to training.
10. The costs of implementing and maintaining training records
for all screening personnel and supervisors.
11. The costs of completing evaluations for all screening
personnel and supervisors.
12. All costs for drug and alcohol testing as well as any
associated counseling and/or treatment for all screening personnel
and supervisors.
13. All costs of renting, purchasing, maintaining, and/or
cleaning of uniforms and any related equipment such as flashlights
and batons for all screening personnel and supervisors.
14. All costs incurred by air carriers for the use of canines
and their handlers used for the screening of persons and
15. All costs associated with obtaining security clearances for
personnel relating to the screening of persons and property.
16. All costs associated with the purchase, installation, and
testing of all screening equipment. In instances where the
equipment is capitalized, provide the depreciation expense in lieu
of costs associated with purchase, installation, and final
acceptance testing. This includes such equipment as Metal Detection
Devices, Hand Wands, X-ray screening machines, Explosives Trace
Detection Devices, Explosives Detection Systems, or any other such
similar technologies. Includes any costs incurred or depreciation
costs recognized in calendar year 2000 for the modification and/or
construction of any facility needed to accommodate screening,
including architecture and engineering. Also includes the costs of
any refurbishment and/or modernization of the equipment.
17. Costs of operating, maintaining, and calibrating installed
screening equipment. This includes such equipment as Metal
Detection Devices, Hand Wands, X-ray screening machines, Explosives
Trace Detection Devices, Explosives Detection Systems, or any other
such similar technologies. Includes such costs as test objects and
X-ray radiation surveys, electricity costs and maintenance contract
costs incurred for the operations of such equipment.
18. Costs of maintaining integrity of sterile areas. Includes
costs of opening sterile areas, emergency evacuations of sterile
areas, and re-screenings not included elsewhere.
19. The cost of purchase or rent, installation, testing, and
maintenance of checkpoint signs, barriers, lane markers, and exit
lane doors.
20. Any additional costs for special screening such as for
disabled passengers, VIP passengers, classified and/or high value
21. All security company contract costs for the screening of
persons and property that cannot be detailed into any other cost
22. All direct costs for the real estate utilized for the
screening of persons and property. Includes space at airports for
the performance of these functions, as well as such space used for
break rooms, private screening rooms, storages space, training
rooms, and office space. Also includes appropriate space for the
oversight of the screening functions outside of airports such as in
headquarters or regional offices.
23. All costs for utilities used for screening. Includes
electricity, heating/ventilation/cooling, and telecommunications
costs not elsewhere specified.
24. All costs incurred for the Ground Security Coordinator's
oversight of the screening functions. Includes personnel salaries,
benefits, retirement, training, and non-labor costs.
25. All air carrier head office, regional, or airport specific
costs associated with the administration and oversight of screening
not elsewhere specified. Includes personnel salaries, benefits,
retirement, training, and non-labor costs.
26. All costs associated with the administration and oversight
of screening contracts. Includes personnel, benefits, retirement,
training, and non-labor costs.
27. All costs not elsewhere specified for background audit
checks for all screeners and supervisors.
28. All legal support costs incurred during calendar year 2000
relating to aviation security screening. Includes legal assistance
for the implementation and execution of security screening
29. All costs for accounting and financial services incurred for
the support of the screening functions.
30. Includes all labor and non-labor costs for such items as
human resource administration, clerical assistance, information
technology, and other support functions related to screening.
31. All insurance costs relating to screening. Includes worker's
compensation and general liability insurance.
32. All costs incurred by the air carriers for law enforcement
personnel costs that were reimbursed by the air carriers for
services performed in connection with the screening of persons and
33. All costs associated with the recruitment of screening
personnel and supervisors. Includes signing bonuses, travel, and
other recruitment expenses.
34. Any costs incurred for fees charged by other organizations
for the management of contracts for the screening of persons and
35. Any costs incurred not elsewhere specified during calendar
year 2000 for the screening of passengers and property. These costs
should be itemized on a separate sheet. Includes any fines or
monetary penalties incurred for screening as well as any
profit/bonuses paid to contractors for screening services not
included elsewhere on the form.