Title 47
Subpart O - Multiple Address Systems Source: 65 FR 17450, Apr. 3, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
- 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
- Source: 61 FR 26677, May 28, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
47: | SUBJGRP 141 | General Provisions | |
47: | SECTION 101.1301 | 101.1301 Scope. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1303 | 101.1303 Eligibility. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1305 | 101.1305 Private internal service. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1307 | 101.1307 Permissible communications. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1309 | 101.1309 Regulatory status. | |
47: | SUBJGRP 142 | System License Requirements | |
47: | SECTION 101.1311 | 101.1311 Initial EA license authorization. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1313 | 101.1313 License term. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1315 | 101.1315 Service areas. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1317 | 101.1317 Competitive bidding procedures for mutually exclusive MAS EA applications. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1319 | 101.1319 Competitive bidding provisions. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1321 | 101.1321 License transfers. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1323 | 101.1323 Spectrum aggregation, disaggregation, and partitioning. | |
47: | SUBJGRP 143 | System Requirements | |
47: | SECTION 101.1325 | 101.1325 Construction requirements. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1329 | 101.1329 EA Station license, location, modifications. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1331 | 101.1331 Treatment of incumbents. | |
47: | SECTION 101.1333 | 101.1333 Interference protection criteria. |