Title 45

PART 205

Part 205 - General Administration - Public Assistance Programs

PART 205 - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 602, 603, 606, 607, 1302, 1306(a), and 1320b-7: 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-5.

45: 205.5
   205.5 Plan amendments.
45: 205.10
   205.10 Hearings.
45: 205.25
   205.25 Eligibility of supplemental security income beneficiaries for food stamps or surplus commodities.
45: 205.30
   205.30 Methods of administration.
45: 205.32
   205.32 Procedures for issuance of replacement checks.
45: 205.35
   205.35 Mechanized claims processing and information retrieval systems; definitions.
45: 205.36
   205.36 State plan requirements.
45: 205.37
   205.37 Responsibilities of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).
45: 205.38
   205.38 Federal financial participation (FFP) for establishing a statewide mechanized system.
45: 205.44
   205.44 [Reserved]
45: 205.45
   205.45 Federal financial participation in relation to State emergency welfare preparedness.
45: 205.50
   205.50 Safeguarding information for the financial assistance programs.
45: 205.51
   205.51 Income and eligibility verification requirements.
45: 205.52
   205.52 Furnishing of social security numbers.
45: 205.55
   205.55 Requirements for requesting and furnishing eligibility and income information.
45: 205.56
   205.56 Requirements governing the use of income and eligibility information.
45: 205.57
   205.57 Maintenance of a machine readable file; requests for income and eligibility information.
45: 205.58
   205.58 Income and eligibility information; specific agreements required between the State agency and the agency supplying the information.
45: 205.60
   205.60 Reports and maintenance of records.
45: 205.70
   205.70 Availability of agency program manuals.
45: 205.100
   205.100 Single State agency.
45: 205.101
   205.101 Organization for administration.
45: 205.120
   205.120 Statewide operation.
45: 205.130
   205.130 State financial participation.
45: 205.150
   205.150 Cost allocation.
45: 205.160
   205.160 Equipment - Federal financial participation.
45: 205.170
   205.170 State standards for office space, equipment, and facilities.
45: 205.190
   205.190 Standard-setting authority for institutions.