Title 45
PART 1110
Part 1110 - Nondiscrimination In Federally Assisted Programs
- Authority: 42 U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-7.
- Source: 38 FR 17991, July 5, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
45: | SECTION 1110.1 | 1110.1 Purpose. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.2 | 1110.2 Application of part. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.3 | 1110.3 Discrimination prohibited. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.4 | 1110.4 Assurances required. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.5 | 1110.5 Illustrative applications. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.6 | 1110.6 Compliance information. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.7 | 1110.7 Conduct of investigations. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.8 | 1110.8 Procedure for effecting compliance. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.9 | 1110.9 Hearings. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.10 | 1110.10 Decisions and notices. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.11 | 1110.11 Judicial review. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.12 | 1110.12 Effect on other regulations; forms and instructions. | |
45: | SECTION 1110.13 | 1110.13 Definitions. | |
45: | APPENDIX Appendix A | Appendix A to Part 1110 - Federal Financial Assistance to Which This Part Applies |