43: | SECTION 404.53
| 404.53 Does this rule provide authority for the transfer of pre-existing facilities from Federal to private ownership, or from private to Federal ownership | |
43: | SECTION 404.54
| 404.54 Who will hold title to a rural water project that is constructed following the completion of an appraisal investigation or feasibility study under this program | |
43: | SECTION 404.55
| 404.55 Who is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and replacement costs | |
43: | SECTION 404.56
| 404.56 If a financial assistance agreement is entered into for a rural water supply project that benefits more than one Indian tribe, is the approval of each Indian tribe required | |
43: | SECTION 404.57
| 404.57 Does this rule have any affect on state water law | |
43: | SECTION 404.58
| 404.58 Do rural water projects authorized before the enactment of the Rural Water Supply Act of 2006 have to comply with the requirements in this rule | |
43: | SECTION 404.59
| 404.59 If the Secretary recommends a project for construction, is that a promise of Federal funding | |
43: | SECTION 404.60
| 404.60 Does this rule contain an information collection that requires approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) | |