43: | SECTION 404.30
| 404.30 How much Federal funding can Reclamation provide for the completion of an appraisal investigation | |
43: | SECTION 404.31
| 404.31 What forms of non-Federal cost-share payment are acceptable | |
43: | SECTION 404.32
| 404.32 Can Reclamation reduce the non-Federal cost-share required for an appraisal investigation | |
43: | SECTION 404.33
| 404.33 How much Federal funding can Reclamation provide for the completion of a feasibility study | |
43: | SECTION 404.34
| 404.34 Can Reclamation reduce the amount of non-Federal cost-share required for a feasibility study | |
43: | SECTION 404.35
| 404.35 Is there a different non-Federal cost-share requirement for feasibility studies that involve a community greater than 50,000 inhabitants | |
43: | SECTION 404.36
| 404.36 Will Reclamation reimburse me for the cost of an appraisal investigation or a feasibility study that was not completed under § 404.11(a) or (b) | |
43: | SECTION 404.37
| 404.37 How will Reclamation determine the appropriate non-Federal share of construction costs | |
43: | SECTION 404.38
| 404.38 Are there different requirements for determining the appropriate non-Federal share of construction costs to be paid by Indian tribes | |
43: | SECTION 404.39
| 404.39 What factors will Reclamation consider in evaluating my capability to pay 25 percent or more of the construction costs | |
43: | SECTION 404.40
| 404.40 What is the non-Federal share of operation, maintenance, and replacement costs | |