Title 43

PART 3600

Part 3600 - Mineral Materials Disposal

PART 3600 - MINERAL MATERIALS DISPOSAL Authority:30 U.S.C. 601 et seq.; 43 U.S.C. 1201, 1701 et seq.; Sec. 2, Act of September 28, 1962 (Pub. L. 87-713, 76 Stat. 652). Source:66 FR 58901, Nov. 23, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

43: 3601
Subpart 3601 - Mineral Materials Disposal; General Provisions
43: 156
   Fundamental Provisions
43: 3601.1
   3601.1 Purpose.
43: 3601.3
   3601.3 Authority.
43: 3601.5
   3601.5 Definitions.
43: 3601.6
   3601.6 Policy.
43: 3601.8
   3601.8 Public availability of information.
43: 3601.9
   3601.9 Information collection.
43: 157
   Limitations on Disposal of Mineral Materials
43: 3601.10
   3601.10 Limitations on BLM's discretion to dispose of mineral materials.
43: 3601.11
   3601.11 When will environmental considerations prevent BLM from disposing of mineral materials
43: 3601.12
   3601.12 What areas does BLM exclude from disposal of mineral materials
43: 3601.13
   3601.13 How can I obtain mineral materials from Federal lands that have been withdrawn to aid a function of another Federal agency or of a State or local government agency
43: 3601.14
   3601.14 When can BLM dispose of mineral materials from unpatented mining claims
43: 158
   Rights of Purchasers and Permittees
43: 3601.20
   3601.20 Rights of parties.
43: 3601.21
   3601.21 What rights does a person have under a materials sales contract or use permit
43: 3601.22
   3601.22 What rights remain with the United States when BLM sells or issues a permit for mineral materials
43: 159
   Pre-Application Sampling and Testing
43: 3601.30
   3601.30 Pre-application activities - how and when may I sample and test mineral materials
43: 160
   Mining and Reclamation Plans
43: 3601.40
   3601.40 Mining and reclamation plans.
43: 3601.41
   3601.41 What information must I include in my mining plan
43: 3601.42
   3601.42 What information must I include in my reclamation plan
43: 3601.43
   3601.43 What is the process for BLM to approve my mining and reclamation plans
43: 3601.44
   3601.44 How and when may my mining or reclamation plan be modified
43: 161
   Contract and Permit Administration
43: 3601.50
   3601.50 Administration of sales contracts and free use permits.
43: 3601.51
   3601.51 How will BLM inspect my operation
43: 3601.52
   3601.52 After I finish my operations, when must I remove improvements and equipment
43: 162
   Contract and Permit Cancellation
43: 3601.60
   3601.60 Cancellation.
43: 3601.61
   3601.61 When may BLM cancel my contract or permit
43: 3601.62
   3601.62 Cancellation procedure.
43: 163
   Unauthorized Use
43: 3601.70
   3601.70 Unauthorized use.
43: 3601.71
   3601.71 What constitutes unauthorized use
43: 3601.72
   3601.72 What are the consequences of unauthorized use
43: 164
43: 3601.80
   3601.80 How do I appeal a final decision by BLM
43: 3602
Subpart 3602 - Mineral Materials Sales
43: 165
43: 3602.10
   3602.10 Applying for a mineral materials sales contract.
43: 3602.11
   3602.11 How do I request a sale of mineral materials
43: 3602.12
   3602.12 How does the mineral materials sales process affect other users of the same public lands
43: 3602.13
   3602.13 How does BLM measure and establish the price of mineral materials
43: 3602.14
   3602.14 What kind of financial security does BLM require
43: 3602.15
   3602.15 What will happen to my bond if I transferred all of my interests or operations to another bonded party
43: 166
   Administration of Sales
43: 3602.20
   3602.20 Administration of mineral materials sales.
43: 3602.21
   3602.21 What payment terms apply to my mineral materials sales contract
43: 3602.22
   3602.22 When will a contract terminate
43: 3602.23
   3602.23 When will BLM make refunds or allow credits
43: 3602.24
   3602.24 When may I assign my materials sales contract
43: 3602.25
   3602.25 What rights and responsibilities does my assignee assume
43: 3602.26
   3602.26 If I assign my contract, when do my obligations under the contract end
43: 3602.27
   3602.27 When will BLM extend the term of a contract
43: 3602.28
   3602.28 What records must I maintain and how long must I keep them
43: 3602.29
   3602.29 How will BLM verify my production
43: 167
   Noncompetitive Sales
43: 3602.30
   3602.30 Noncompetitive sales.
43: 3602.31
   3602.31 What volume limitations and fees generally apply to noncompetitive mineral materials sales
43: 3602.32
   3602.32 What volume and other limitations pertain to noncompetitive sales associated with public works projects
43: 3602.33
   3602.33 How will BLM dispose of mineral materials for use in developing Federal mineral leases
43: 3602.34
   3602.34 What is the term of a noncompetitive contract
43: 168
   Competitive Sales
43: 3602.40
   3602.40 Competitive sales.
43: 3602.41
   3602.41 When will BLM sell mineral materials on a competitive basis
43: 3602.42
   3602.42 How does BLM publicize competitive mineral materials sales
43: 3602.43
   3602.43 How does BLM conduct competitive mineral materials sales
43: 3602.44
   3602.44 How do I make a bid deposit
43: 3602.45
   3602.45 What final steps will BLM take before issuing me a contract
43: 3602.46
   3602.46 What is the term of a competitive contract
43: 3602.47
   3602.47 When and how may I renew my competitive contract and what is the fee
43: 3602.48
   3602.48 What may BLM require when renewing my contract
43: 3602.49
   3602.49 When will BLM issue a non-renewable contract
43: 3603
Subpart 3603 - Community Pits and Common Use Areas
43: 169
   Disposal of Materials - Community Pits and Common Use Areas
43: 3603.10
   3603.10 Disposal of mineral materials from community pits and common use areas.
43: 3603.11
   3603.11 What rights pertain to users of community pits
43: 3603.12
   3603.12 What rights pertain to users of common use areas
43: 3603.13
   3603.13 What price does BLM charge under materials sales contracts for mineral materials from community pits and common use areas
43: 3603.14
   3603.14 What plans do I need to prepare to mine or remove mineral materials from a community pit or common use area
43: 170
43: 3603.20
   3603.20 Reclamation.
43: 3603.21
   3603.21 What reclamation requirements pertain to community pits and common use areas
43: 3603.22
   3603.22 What fees must I pay to cover the cost of reclamation of community pits and common use areas
43: 3604
Subpart 3604 - Free Use of Mineral Materials
43: 171
   Obtaining Free Use Permits
43: 3604.10
   3604.10 Permits for free use of mineral materials.
43: 3604.11
   3604.11 How do I apply for a free use permit
43: 3604.12
   3604.12 Who may obtain a free use permit
43: 3604.13
   3604.13 When will BLM decline to issue a free use permit to a qualified applicant
43: 172
   Administration of Free Use
43: 3604.20
   3604.20 Administration of free use permits.
43: 3604.21
   3604.21 What is the term of a free use permit
43: 3604.22
   3604.22 What conditions and restrictions pertain to my free use permit
43: 3604.23
   3604.23 When and how may I assign my free use permit
43: 3604.24
   3604.24 Who may remove materials on my behalf
43: 3604.25
   3604.25 What bond requirements pertain to free use permits
43: 3604.26
   3604.26 When will BLM cancel my permit
43: 3604.27
   3604.27 What rights does a free use permit give me against other users of the land