Title 43
PART 2910 SUBPART 2911
Subpart 2911 - Airport Authority: 49 U.S.C. 211; 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq. Source: 51 FR 40809, Nov. 10, 1986, unless otherwise noted.
- Authority: 49 U.S.C. App., 211-213, 43 U.S.C. 869 et seq. 48 U.S.C 360, 361, unless otherwise noted.
- Source:
43: | SECTION 2911.0-1 | 2911.0-1 Purpose. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.0-3 | 2911.0-3 Authority. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.0-5 | 2911.0-5 Definitions. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.0-8 | 2911.0-8 Lands available for leasing. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.1 | 2911.1 Terms and conditions. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.2 | 2911.2 Procedures. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.2-1 | 2911.2-1 Preapplication activity. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.2-2 | 2911.2-2 Applications. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.2-3 | 2911.2-3 Report by Administrator; Notice of Realty Action. | |
43: | SECTION 2911.2-4 | 2911.2-4 Execution of lease. |