Title 40
Subpart LLL - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry Source: 64 FR 31925, June 14, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
- 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
- Source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
40: | SUBJGRP 20 | General | |
40: | SECTION 63.1340 | 63.1340 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover | |
40: | SECTION 63.1341 | 63.1341 Definitions. | |
40: | SUBJGRP 21 | Emission Standards and Operating Limits | |
40: | SECTION 63.1342 | 63.1342 Standards: General. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1343 | 63.1343 What standards apply to my kilns, clinker coolers, raw material dryers, and open clinker storage piles | |
40: | SECTION 63.1344 | 63.1344 [Reserved] | |
40: | SECTION 63.1345 | 63.1345 Emissions limits for affected sources other than kilns; clinker coolers; new and reconstructed raw material dryers. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1346 | 63.1346 Operating limits for kilns. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1347 | 63.1347 Operation and maintenance plan requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1348 | 63.1348 Compliance requirements. | |
40: | SUBJGRP 22 | Monitoring and Compliance Provisions | |
40: | SECTION 63.1349 | 63.1349 Performance testing requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1350 | 63.1350 Monitoring requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1351 | 63.1351 Compliance dates. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1352 | 63.1352 Additional test methods. | |
40: | SUBJGRP 23 | Notification, Reporting and Recordkeeping | |
40: | SECTION 63.1353 | 63.1353 Notification requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1354 | 63.1354 Reporting requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1355 | 63.1355 Recordkeeping requirements. | |
40: | SUBJGRP 24 | Other | |
40: | SECTION 63.1356 | 63.1356 Sources with multiple emissions limit or monitoring requirements. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1357 | 63.1357 [Reserved] | |
40: | SECTION 63.1358 | 63.1358 Implementation and enforcement. | |
40: | SECTION 63.1359 | 63.1359 [Reserved] | |
40: | APPENDIX | Table 1 to Subpart LLL of Part 63 - Applicability of General Provisions | |
40: | APPENDIX | Table 2 to Subpart LLL of Part 63 - 1989 Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) |