Title 40


Subpart EEEE - Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction is Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006 Source:70 FR 74892, Dec. 16, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

40: 224
40: 60.2880
   60.2880 What does this subpart do
40: 60.2881
   60.2881 When does this subpart become effective
40: 225
40: 60.2885
   60.2885 Does this subpart apply to my incineration unit
40: 60.2886
   60.2886 What is a new incineration unit
40: 60.2887
   60.2887 What combustion units are excluded from this subpart
40: 60.2888
   60.2888 Are air curtain incinerators regulated under this subpart
40: 60.2889
   60.2889 Who implements and enforces this subpart
40: 60.2890
   60.2890 How are these new source performance standards structured
40: 60.2891
   60.2891 Do all components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time
40: 226
Preconstruction Siting Analysis
40: 60.2894
   60.2894 Who must prepare a siting analysis
40: 60.2895
   60.2895 What is a siting analysis
40: 227
Waste Management Plan
40: 60.2899
   60.2899 What is a waste management plan
40: 60.2900
   60.2900 When must I submit my waste management plan
40: 60.2901
   60.2901 What should I include in my waste management plan
40: 228
Operator Training and Qualification
40: 60.2905
   60.2905 What are the operator training and qualification requirements
40: 60.2906
   60.2906 When must the operator training course be completed
40: 60.2907
   60.2907 How do I obtain my operator qualification
40: 60.2908
   60.2908 How do I maintain my operator qualification
40: 60.2909
   60.2909 How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification
40: 60.2910
   60.2910 What site-specific documentation is required
40: 60.2911
   60.2911 What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible
40: 229
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits
40: 60.2915
   60.2915 What emission limitations must I meet and by when
40: 60.2916
   60.2916 What operating limits must I meet and by when
40: 60.2917
   60.2917 What if I do not use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations
40: 60.2918
   60.2918 What happens during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction
40: 230
Performance Testing
40: 60.2922
   60.2922 How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test
40: 60.2923
   60.2923 How are the performance test data used
40: 231
Initial Compliance Requirements
40: 60.2927
   60.2927 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitations and establish the operating limits
40: 60.2928
   60.2928 By what date must I conduct the initial performance test
40: 232
Continuous Compliance Requirements
40: 60.2932
   60.2932 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits
40: 60.2933
   60.2933 By what date must I conduct the annual performance test
40: 60.2934
   60.2934 May I conduct performance testing less often
40: 60.2935
   60.2935 May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits
40: 233
40: 60.2939
   60.2939 What continuous emission monitoring systems must I install
40: 60.2940
   60.2940 How do I make sure my continuous emission monitoring systems are operating correctly
40: 60.2941
   60.2941 What is my schedule for evaluating continuous emission monitoring systems
40: 60.2942
   60.2942 What is the minimum amount of monitoring data I must collect with my continuous emission monitoring systems, and is the data collection requirement enforceable
40: 60.2943
   60.2943 How do I convert my 1-hour arithmetic averages into the appropriate averaging times and units
40: 60.2944
   60.2944 What operating parameter monitoring equipment must I install, and what operating parameters must I monitor
40: 60.2945
   60.2945 Is there a minimum amount of operating parameter monitoring data I must obtain
40: 234
Recordkeeping and Reporting
40: 60.2949
   60.2949 What records must I keep
40: 60.2950
   60.2950 Where and in what format must I keep my records
40: 60.2951
   60.2951 What reports must I submit
40: 60.2952
   60.2952 What must I submit prior to commencing construction
40: 60.2953
   60.2953 What information must I submit prior to initial startup
40: 60.2954
   60.2954 What information must I submit following my initial performance test
40: 60.2955
   60.2955 When must I submit my annual report
40: 60.2956
   60.2956 What information must I include in my annual report
40: 60.2957
   60.2957 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations
40: 60.2958
   60.2958 What must I include in the deviation report
40: 60.2959
   60.2959 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible
40: 60.2960
   60.2960 Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit
40: 60.2961
   60.2961 In what form can I submit my reports
40: 60.2962
   60.2962 Can reporting dates be changed
40: 235
Title V Operating Permits
40: 60.2966
   60.2966 Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my unit
40: 60.2967
   60.2967 When must I submit a title V permit application for my new unit
40: 236
Temporary-Use Incinerators and Air Curtain Incinerators Used in Disaster Recovery
40: 60.2969
   60.2969 What are the requirements for temporary-use incinerators and air curtain incinerators used in disaster recovery
40: 237
Air Curtain Incinerators That Burn Only Wood Waste, Clean Lumber, and Yard Waste
40: 60.2970
   60.2970 What is an air curtain incinerator
40: 60.2971
   60.2971 What are the emission limitations for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste
40: 60.2972
   60.2972 How must I monitor opacity for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste
40: 60.2973
   60.2973 What are the recordkeeping and reporting requirements for air curtain incinerators that burn only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste
40: 60.2974
   60.2974 Am I required to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit for my air curtain incinerator that burns only wood waste, clean lumber, and yard waste
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40: 60.2975
   60.2975 What equations must I use
40: 239
40: 60.2977
   60.2977 What definitions must I know
   Table 1 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Emission Limitations
   Table 2 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Operating Limits for Incinerators and Wet Scrubbers
   Table 3 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
   Table 4 to Subpart EEEE of Part 60 - Summary of Reporting Requirements