Title 40
Subpart Y - Pacific Coast Hand-Shucked Oyster Processing Subcategory Source: 40 FR 55792, Dec. 1, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
- Secs. 301, 304 (b) and (c), 306 (b) and (c), 307(c), of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 1251, 1311, 1314 (b) and (c), 1316 (b) and (c), 1317(c); 86 Stat. 816 et seq., Pub. L. 92-500; 91 Stat. 1567, Pub. L. 95-217.
- Source: 39 FR 23140, June 26, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
40: | SECTION 408.250 | 408.250 Applicability; description of the Pacific Coast hand-shucked oyster processing subcategory. | |
40: | SECTION 408.251 | 408.251 Specialized definitions. | |
40: | SECTION 408.252 | 408.252 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available. | |
40: | SECTION 408.253 | 408.253 [Reserved] | |
40: | SECTION 408.254 | 408.254 Pretreatment standards for existing sources. | |
40: | SECTION 408.255 | 408.255 Standards of performance for new sources. | |
40: | SECTION 408.256 | 408.256 Pretreatment standards for new sources. | |
40: | SECTION 408.257 | 408.257 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best conventional pollutant control technology. |