Title 40


Appendix A to Subpart BB of Part 147 - State Requirements Incorporated by Reference in Subpart BB of Part 147 of the Code of Federal Regulations

40: : Appendix A

Appendix A to Subpart BB of Part 147 - State Requirements Incorporated by Reference in Subpart BB of Part 147 of the Code of Federal Regulations

The following is an informational listing of state requirements incorporated by reference in Subpart BB of part 147 of the Code of Federal Regulations:

Subpart BB - Montana

(a) The statutory provisions include:

(1) Montana Code annotated, 1995, Title 2, Chapter 15:

Section 2-15-121. Allocation for administrative purposes only. Section 2-15-124. Quasi-judicial boards. Section 2-15-3303. Board of oil and gas conservation-composition - allocation - quasi-judicial.

(2) Montana Code annotated, 1995, Title 82, Chapter 10:

Section 82-10-101. Action for accounting for royalty. Section 82-10-102. Remedy not exclusive. Section 82-10-103. Obligation to pay royalties as essence of contract-interest. Section 82-10-104. Payment of royalties-form of record required. Section 82-10-105 through 82-10-109 reserved. Section 82-10-110. Division order-definition-effect. Section 82-10-201. Authorization for lease and terms-land not subject to leasing. Section 82-10-202. Acreage pooling. Section 82-10-203. Interference with normal use of land prohibited. Section 82-10-204. Lease of acquired oil and gas interests. Section 82-10-301. Definitions. Section 82-10-302. Policy. Section 82-10-303. Use of eminent domain to acquire underground reservoirs. Section 82-10-304. Certificate of board required prior to use of eminent domain. Section 82-10-305. Proceedings. Section 82-10-401. Notice required before abandonment of well-owner's option. Section 82-10-402. Inventory of abandoned wells and seismic operations-reclamation procedures. Section 82-10-501. Purpose-legislative findings. Section 82-10-502. Definitions. Section 82-10-503. Notice of drilling operations. Section 82-10-504. Surface damage and disruption payments-penalty for late payment. Section 82-10-505. Liability for damages to property. Section 82-10-506. Notification of injury. Section 82-10-0507. Agreement - offer of settlement. Section 82-10-508. Rejection - legal action. Section 82-10-509 and 82-10-510. Reserved. Section 82-10-511. Remedies cumulative.

(3) Montana Code annotated, 1995, Title 82, Chapter 11:

Section 82-11-101. Definitions. Section 82-11-102. Oil or gas wells not public utilities. Section 82-11-103. Lands subject to law. Section 82-11-104. Construction-no conflict with board of land commissioners' authority. Section 82-11-105 through 82-11-110 reserved. Section 82-11-111. Powers and duties of board. Section 82-11-112. Intergovernmental cooperation. Section 82-11-113. Role of board in implementation of national gas policy. Section 82-11-114. Appointment of examiners. Section 82-11-115. Procedure to make determinations. Section 82-11-116. Public access. Section 82-11-117. Confidentiality of records. Section 82-11-118. Fees for processing applications. Section 82-11-119 through 82-11-120 reserved. Section 82-11-121. Oil and gas waste prohibited. Section 82-11-122. Notice of intention to drill or conduct seismic operations-notice to surface owner. Section 82-11-123. Requirements for oil and gas operations. Section 82-11-124. Requirement relating to waste prevention. Section 82-11-125. Availability of cores or chips, cuttings, and bottom-hole temperatures to board. Section 82-11-126. Availability of facilities to bureau of mines. Section 82-11-127. Prohibited activity. Section 82-11-128 through 82-11-130 reserved. Section 82-11-131. Privilege and license tax. Section 82-11-132. Statements to treasurer and payment of tax. Section 82-11-133. Penalty for late payment. Section 82-11-134. Permit fees. Section 82-11-135. Money earmarked for board expenses. Section 82-11-136. Expenditure of funds from bonds for plugging wells. Section 82-11-137. Class II injection well operating fee. Section 82-11-138 through 82-11-140 reserved. Section 82-11-141. Administrative procedure. Section 82-11-142. Subpoena power-civil actions. Section 82-11-143. Rehearing. Section 82-11-144. Court review. Section 82-11-145. Injunction or restraining order. Section 82-11-146. Appeal. Section 82-11-147. Violations. Section 82-11-148. Criminal penalties. Section 82-11-149. Civil penalties. Section 82-11-150. Legal assistance. Section 82-11-151. Emergencies-notice and hearing. Section 82-11-152 through 82-11-160 reserved. Section 82-11-161. Oil and gas production damage mitigation account-statutory appropriation. Section 82-11-162. Release of producing oil or gas well from drilling bond-fee. Section 82-11-163. Landowner's bond on noncommercial well. Section 82-11-164. Lien created. Section 82-11-165 through 82-11-170 reserved. Section 82-11-171. Terminated. Section 82-11-201. Establishment of well spacing units. Section 82-11-202. Pooling of interest within spacing unit. Section 82-11-203. Pooling agreements not in violation of antitrust laws. Section 82-11-204. Hearing on operation of pool as unit. Section 82-11-205. Board order for unit operation-criteria. Section 82-11-206. Terms and conditions of plan for unit operations. Section 82-11-207. Approval of plan for unit operations by persons paying costs. Section 82-11-208. Board orders-amendment. Section 82-11-209. Units established by previous order. Section 82-11-210. Unit operations-less than whole of pool. Section 82-11-211. Operations considered as done by all owners in unit. Section 82-11-212. Property rights and operator's lien. Section 82-11-213. Contract not terminated by board order. Section 82-11-214. Title to oil and gas rights not affected by board order. Section 82-11-215. Unit operation not restraint of trade. Section 82-11-216. No creation of relationship between parties in unit. Section 82-11-301. Authorization to join interstate compact for conservation of oil and gas. Section 82-11-302. Interstate oil and gas compact. Section 82-11-303. Extension of expiration date. Section 82-11-304. Governor as member of Interstate Oil Compact Commission. Section 82-11-305. Limitation on power of representative. Section 82-11-306. Expenses of representative.

(b) The regulatory provisions include: Administrative Rules of Montana Board of Oil and Gas Conservation, Chapter 22, revised March 1996:

Rule 36.22.101. Organizational Rule. Rule 36.22.201. Procedural Rules. Rule 36.22.202. Environmental Policy Act Procedural Rules. Rule 36.22.301. Effective Scope of Rules. Rule 36.22.302. Definitions. Rule 36.22.303. Classification of Wildcat or Exploratory Wells. Rule 36 22.304. Inspection of Record, Properties, and Wells. Rule 36.22.305. Naming of Pools. Rule 36.22.306. Organization of Reports. Rule 36.22.307. Adoption of Forms. Rule 36.22.308. Seal of Board. Rule 36.22.309. Referral of Administrative Decisions. Rule 36.22.401. Office and Duties of Petroleum Engineer. Rule 36.22.402. Office and Duties of Administrator. Rule 36.22.403. Office and Duties of Geologist. Rule 36.22.501. Shot Location Limitations. Rule 36.22.502. Plugging and Abandonment. Rule 36.22.503. Notification. Rule 36.22.504. Identification. Rule 36.22.601. Notice of Intention and Permit to Drill. Rule 36.22.602. Notice of Intention to Drill and Application for Permit to Drill. Rule 36.22.603. Permit Fees. Rule 36.22.604. Permit Issuance - Expiration - Extension. Rule 36.22.605. Transfer of Permits. Rule 36.22.606. Notice and Eligibility Statement for Drilling or Recompletion in Unit Operations. Rule 36.22.607. Drilling Permits Pending Special Field Rules. Rule 36.22.701. Spacing Units - General. Rule 36.22.702. Spacing of Wells. Rule 36.22.703. Horizontal Wells. Rule 36.22.1001. Rotary Drilling Procedure. Rule 36.22.1002. Cable Drilling Procedure. Rule 36.22.1003. Vertical Drilling Required Deviation. Rule 36.22.1004. Dual Completion of Wells. Rule 36.22.1005. Drilling Waste Disposal and Surface Restoration. Rules 36.22.1006 through 36.22.1010. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1011. Well Completion and Recompletion Reports. Rule 36.22.1012. Samples of Cores and Cuttings. Rule 36.22.1013. Filing of Completion Reports, Well Logs, Analyses, Reports, and Surveys. Rule 36.22.1014. Blowout Prevention and Well Control Equipment. Rule 36.22.1101. Fire Hazard Prevention. Rule 36.22.1102. Fire Walls Required. Rule 36.22.1103. Notification and Report of Emergencies and Undesirable Incidents. Rule 36.22.1104. Control and Cleanup. Rule 36.22.1105. Solid Waste. Rule 36.22.1201. Surface Equipment. Rule 36.22.1202. Identification. Rule 36.22.1203. Chokes Required. Rule 36.22.1204. Separators Required. Rule 36.22.1205. Vacuum Pumps Prohibited. Rule 36.22.1206. Tubing Required. Rule 36.22.1207. Earthen Pits and Open Vessels. Rule 36.22.1208. Producing from Different Pools Through the Same Casing. Rules 36.22.1209 through 36.22.1212. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1213. Reservoir or Pool Surveys. Rule 36.22.1214. Subsurface Pressure Tests. Rule 36.22.1215. Stabilized Production Test. Rule 36.22.1216. Gas Oil Ratio Tests. Rule 36.22.1217. Water Production Report. Rule 36.22.1218. Gas to be Metered. Rule 36.22.1219. Gas Waste Prohibited. Rule 36.22.1220. Associated Gas Flaring Limitation - Application to exceed - Board Review and Action. Rule 36.22.1221. Burning of Waste Gas Required. Rule 36.22.1222. Hydrogen Sulfide Gas. Rule 36.22.1223. Fencing, Screening, and Netting of Pits. Rules 36.22.1224 and 36.22.1425. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1226. Disposal of Water. Rule 36.22.1227. Earthen Pits and Ponds. Rule 36.22.1228. Disposal by Injection. Rule 36.22.1229. Water Injection and Gas Repressuring. Rule 36.22.1230. Application Contents and Requirements. Rule 36.22.1231. Notice of Application Objections. Rule 36.22.1232. Board Authorization. Rule 36.22.1233. Notice of Commencement or Discontinuance - Plugging of Abandoned Wells. Rule 36.22.1234. Record Required. Rules 36.22.1235 through 36.22.1239. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1240. Report of Well Status Change. Rule 36.22.1241. Service Company Reports. Rule 36.22.1242. Reports by Producers. Rule 36.22.1243. Reports from Transporters, Refiners, and Gasoline or Extraction Plants. Rule 36.22.1244. Producer's Certificate of Compliance. Rule 36.22.1245. Illegal Production. Rule 36.22.1301. Notice and Approval of Intention to Abandon Report. Rule 36.22.1302. Notice of Abandonment. Rule 36.22.1303. Well Plugging Requirement. Rule 36.22.1304. Plugging Methods and Procedure. Rule 36.22.1305. Exception for Fresh Water Wells. Rule 36.22.1306. Approval for Pulling Casing and Reentering Wells. Rule 36.22.1307. Restoration of Surface. Rule 36.22.1308. Plugging and Restoration Bond. Rule 36.22.1309. Subsequent Report of Abandonment. Rule 36.22.1401. Definitions. Rule 36.22.1402. Underground Injection. Rule 36.22.1403. Application Contents and Requirements Rules. Rule 36.22.1404 and 36.22.1405. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1406. Corrective Action. Rule 36.22.1407. Signing the Application. Rule 36.22.1408. Financial Responsibility. Rule 36.22.1409. Hearings. Rule 36.22.1410. Notice of Application. Rule 36.22.1411. Board Authorization. Rules 36.22.1412 and 36.22.1413. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1414. Notice of Commencement or Discontinuance - Plugging of Abandoned Wells. Rule 36.22.1415. Records Required. Rule 36.22.1416. Mechanical Integrity. Rule 36.22.1417. Notification of Tests - Reporting Results. Rule 36.22.1418. Exempt Aquifers. Rule 36.22.1419. Tubingless Completions. Rules 36.22.1420 and 36.22.1421. Reserved. Rule 36.22.1422. Permit Conditions. Rule 36.22.1423. Injection Fee - Well Classification. Rule 36.22.1601. Who May Apply for Determination. Rule 36.22.1602. Application Requirements and Contents. Rule 36.22.1603. Documents and Technical Data Supporting Application. Rule 36.22.1604. Docket Number. Rule 36.22.1605. List of Applications - Public Access. Rule 36.22.1606. Objections to Applications. Rule 36.22.1607. Deadlines for Action Determinations. Rule 36.22.1608. Deficient Applications. Rule 36.22.1609. Board Action on Applications. Rule 36.22.1610. Special Findings and Determinations New Onshore Production Wells Under Section 103. Rule 36.22.1611. Special Findings and Determinations Stripper Well Production. [61 FR 58934, Nov. 19, 1996]

Appendix A to Subpart HHH of Part 147 - Exempted Aquifers in New Mexico

40: : Appendix A

Appendix A to Subpart HHH of Part 147 - Exempted Aquifers in New Mexico

The areas described by a one-quarter mile radius around the following Class II wells in the listed formations are exempted for the purpose of Class II injection.

Sec. Well No.
Arco Oil & Gas Co. - Operator/Horseshoe Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
SE/NE 5 T30N R16W 1650′FNL 330′FEL 134
NW/NW 30 T31N R16W 660′FNL 703′FWL 8
SE/SW 28 T31N R16W 790′FSL 2150′FWL 167
NW/SE 33 T31N R16W 1710′FSL 2310′FEL 199
SE/NW 35 T31N R16W 2105′FNL 2105′FWL 196
NW/NW 4 T30N R16W 455′FNL 4435′FEL 219
NW/SW 33 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 386′FWL 65
NW/SE 27 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 2080′FEL 164
SE/SE 30 T31N R16W 660′FSL 660′FEL 5
NW/NW 34 T31N R16W 730′FNL 515′FWL 180
NW/NE 34 T31N R16W 813′FNL 2036′FEL 182
NW/NE 2 T30N R16W 720′FNL 2040′FEL 229
NW/NW 29 T31N R16W 660′FNL 660′FWL 24
NW/SW 13 T31N R17W 1975′FSL 670′FWL 77
NW/SE 29 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 22
SE/SW 27 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 171
NW/SW 35 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 205
SE/NW 30 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 2061′FWL 7
NW/NE 31 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 17
NW/NE 4 T30N R16W 330′FNL 2160′FEL 221
NW/NE 29 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 26
SE/NE 34 T31N R16W 1990′FNL 645′FEL 194
SE/SE 31 T31N R16W 640′FSL 660′FEL 27
NE/SW 14 T31N R17W 2250′FSL 2630′FWL 94
NE/NW 14 T31N R17W 625′FNL 1995′FWI, 69
SE/NW 10 T30N R16W 1900′FNL 2080′FWL 271
SE/SE 29 T31N R16W 560′FSL 21
SE/NE 30 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 660′FEL 10
SE/NW 29 T31N R16W 2080′FNL 1980′FWL 23
NW/SE 25 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 122
SE/SW 32 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 14
NW/SW 30 T31N R16W 2021′FSL 742′FWL 19
SE/SW 13 T31N R17W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 82
NW/NW 27 T31N R16W 520′FNL 660′FWL 150
SE/SE 28 T31N R16W 660′FSL 660′FEL 169
NW/SW 29 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 11
SE/NW 34 T31N R16W 2310′FNL 1650′FWL 192
SE/NW 29 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 12
NW/SW 27 T31N R16W 1650′FSL 330′FWL 162
NE/SE 23 T31N R17W 1880′FSL 340′FEL 96
NW/SW 24 T31N R17W 2050′FSL 990′FWL 97
SE/NW 4 T30N R16W 2060′FNL 1710′FWL 232
NW/NW 31 T31N R16W 620′FNL 701′FWL 30
NW/SE 35 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 207
SE/NE 32 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 417′FEL 20
NE/NW 28 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 1980′FEL 152
NE/NW 34 T31N R16W 2140′FSL 735′FWL 201
SE/NW 3 T30N R16W 2310′FNL 1640′FWL 236
SE/SW 34 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 213
NW/NE 30 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FFL 9
SE/SW 26 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 175
NW/SE 30 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 6
SE/NW 9 T30N R16W 1650′FNL 2131′FWL 264
NW/SW 4 T30N R16W 2310′FSL 4390′FEL 242
NW/SW 2 T30N R16W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 250
NW/NW 33 T31N R16W 660′FNL 386′FWL 66
NE/NE 15 T31N R17W 660′FNL 660′FEL 67
NW/NE 33 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 178
NW/SE 24 T31N R17W 1875′FSL 1900′FEL 99
NW/NE 28 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 148
NW/NW 19 T31N R16W 680′FNL 682′FWL 89
NW/SE 4 T30N R16W 1820′FSL 2130′FEL 244
SE/SW 20 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 115
NW/NE 25 T31N R17W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 118
SE/SW 4 T30N R16W 660′FSL 3300′FEL 253
NW/SW 19 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 706′FWL 101
NW/SE 32 T31N R16W 1950′FSL 1980′FEL 22
NW/NW 35 T31N R16W 605′FNL 690′FWL 184
SE/NE 29 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 417′FEL 25
SE/NW 19 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 2023′FWL 95
NW/NW 32 T31N R16W 660′FNL 660′FWL 4
SE/SW 24 T31N R17W 660′FSL 3300′FEL 107
SE/NE 28 T31N R16W 2105′FNL 940′FEL 154
NW/NE 35 T31N R16W 610′FNL 2000′FEL 186
SE/SW 5 T31N R16W 990′FSL 2310′FWL 139
NW/SE 28 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 160
SE/SE 33 T31N R16W 330′FSL 990′FEL 211
NW/NE 5 T30N R16W 330′FNL 1650′FEL 128
SE/NW 27 T31N R16W 1900′FNL 2050′FWL 156
SE/SW 35 T31N R16W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 217
NW/NW 10 T30N R16W 526′FNL 330′FWL 265
NE/SW 21 T31N R16W 1880′FSL 1980′FWL 143
NW/NE 24 T31N R17W 409′FNL 1914′FEL 87
NW/SW 32 T31N R16W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 15
SE/SE 34 T31N R16W 960′FSL 910′FEL 215
SW/SE 21 T31N R16W 820′FSL 1820′FEL 145
SE/SE 27 T31N R16W 610′FSL 640′FEL 173
NW/SW 3 T30N R16W 1920′FSL 350′FWL 246
SE/SW 19 T31N R16W 601′FSL 2002′FWL 111
SW/SE 14 T31N R17W 330′FSL 1900′FEL 79
NW/NW 27 T31N R16W 520′FNL 660′FWL 150
SE/NW 31 T31N R16W 1724′FNL 2067′FWL 29
NW/NE 32 T31N R16W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 13
SE/NE 24 T31N R17W 1998′FNL 702′FEL 93
NW/NW 5 T30N R16W 660′FNL 660′FWL 126
NW/SW 28 T31N R16W 1740′FSL 590′FWL 158
SE/NE 31 T31N R16W 1980′FNL 660′FEL 16
NW/NW 24 T31N R17W 660′FNL 760′FWL 85
Energy Reserve Backup Inc. - Operator/Horseshoe Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
SE/SE 5 T31N R17W 660′FSL 660′FEL 4
NE/SW 10 T30N R16W 1970′FSL 2210′FWL 31
SE/NW 11 T30N R16W 2090′FNL 2190′FWI 29
SE/SE 10 T30N R16W 700′FSL 500′FEL 37
Solar Petroelum Inc. - Operator/Horseshoe - Field/Gallup - Formation
SW/SE 11 T31N R17W 736′FSL 2045′FEL 205
SE/NE 9 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 660′FEL 122
NW/SE 4 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FFL 127
NE/NE 10 T31N R17W 660′FNL 660′FEL 136
SE/SW 4 T31N R17W 660′FSL 1980′FWL 125
SW/NW 11 T31N R17W 2300′FNL 660′FWL 206
NW/SW 4 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 103
SE/NW 4 T31N R17W 1989′FNL 1980′FWL 128
NW/NW 4 T31N R17W 660′FNL 660′FWL 101
SW/NE 10 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 1980′FEL 117
SW/NW 10 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 660′FWL 108
SW/SW 10 T31N R17W 660′FSL 660′FWL 114
SW/SE 3 T31N R17W 330′FSL 2310′FEL 143
SE/NE 5 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 660′FEL 302
NE/NE 5 T31N R17W 1950′FNL 1050′FEL 307
SE/SE 9 T31N R17W 990′FSL 850′FEL 140
NE/NW 10 T31N R17W 660′FNL 1980′FWL 118
SW/SW 11 T31N R17W 660′FSL 660′FWL 204
NW/SE 9 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 115
SW/SE 10 T31N R17W 990′FSL 1980′FEL 144
NW/NE 9 T31N R17W 660′FNL 1980′FEL 123
NE/SW 10 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FWL 109
NE/SW 11 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FWL 203
SE/NW 9 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 1980′FWL 134
NW/SW 3 T31N R17W 1980′FSL 660′FWL 132
SW/SW 3 T31N R17W 560′FSL 660′FWL 110
NW/NW 9 T31N R16W 660′FNL 660′FWL 133
SE/SE 4 T31N R17W 660′FSL 660′FEL 124
WTR Oil Co. - Operator/Horseshoe Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
NE/SW 33 T32N R17W 1980′FSL 1989′FWL 2
Arco Oil & Gas Co. - Operator/Many Rocks Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
NW/NW 7 T31N R16W 898′FNL 500′FWL 2
SW/NE 17 T31N R16W 1673′FNL 1789′FEL 21
NW/SE 17 T31N R16W 1890′FSL 2150′FEL 23
SW/NE 7 T31N R16W 2310′FNL 2310′FEL 6
NE/SW 8 T31N R16W 1650′FSL 1650′FWL 12
NE/NW 17 T31N R16W 660′FNL 2030′FWL 18
NE/NE 18 T31N R16W 360′FNL 855′FEL 16
SE/SW 7 T31N R16W 716′FSL 2185′FWL 13
SE/SE 17 T31N R16W 660′FSL 660′FEL 26
NE/SW 17 T31N R16W 2040′FSL 2070′FWL 22
SW/SW 6 T31N R16W 330′FSL 330′FWL 1
SW/NW 17 T31N R16W 2073′FNL 641′FWL 19
NW/SW 17 T31N R16W 1967′FSL 981′FWL 8
James P. Woosley - Operator/Many Rocks Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
NW/NE 20 T32N R17W 330′FNL 2310′FEL 13
SW/SW 27 T32N R17W 660′FSL 990′FWL 1
SW/NW 17 T32N R17W 2310′FWL 330′FWL 4
SW/NW 27 T32N R17W 260′FWL 1360′FNL 11
NE/SW 27 T32N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FWL 6
NE/SE 18 T32N R17W 2474′FSL 133′FEL 18
SW/SE 27 T32N R17W 625′FNL 2000′FEL 3
NE/SE 28 T32N R17W 1980′FSL 330′FEL 12
Solar Petroleum Inc. - Operator/Many Rocks Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
SE/NW 1 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 1980′FWL 216
NW/NE 2 T31N R17W 805′FNL 940′FEL 215
SE/NE 2 T31N R17W 1980′FNL 660′FEL 218
NW/SW 1 T31N R17W 2310′FSL 990′FNL 223
SE/NE 12 T31N R17W 1820′FNL 500′FEL 217
WTR Oil Co. - Operator/Many Rocks Gallup - Field/Gallup - Formation
NW/NW 35 T32N R17W 810′FNL 510′FWL 11
SE/SE 35 T32N R17W 660′FSL 660′FEL 6
SE/NE 34 T32N R17W 775′FEL 1980′FNL 8
SE/NW 35 T32N R16W 1980′FNL 1980′FWL 9
NW/SE 35 T32N R17W 1980′FSL 1980′FEL 7
Chaco Oil Co. - Operator/Red Mtn Meseverde - Field/Menefee - Formation
NE/NE 29 T20N R9W 395′FNL 1265′FEL 6
SE/SW 20 T20N R9W 442′FSL 2430′FWL 17
Geo Engineering Inc. - Operator/Red Mtn Meseverde - Field/Menefee - Formation
NW/NE 29 T20N R9W 160′FNL 2135′FEL 35
NE/NE 29 T20N R9W 225′FNL 1265′FEL 7
SE/NW 29 T20N R9W 1344′FNL 2555′FWL 20
NW/NE 29 T20N R9W 615′FNL 1920′FEL 5
NE/NW 29 T20N R9W 834′FNL 2113′FWL 21
SW/SE 20 T20N R9W 265′FSL 2150′FEL 36
NE/NE 29 T20N R9W 5′FNL 1130′FEL 8
SE/SE 20 T20N R9W 450′FSL 1145′FEL 24
SE/SE 20 T20N R9W 990′FSL 1280′FEL 10
NW/NE 29 T20N R9W 1115′FNL 2325′FEL 22
SE/SE 20 T20N R9W 1085′FSL 860′FEL 12
Tesoro Petroleum Co. - Operator/S. Hospah Lower Sand - Field/Hospah - Formation
NW/SE 6 T17N R8W 2310′FSL 2310′FEL 28
SW/SE 6 T17N R8W 990′FSL 2310′FFL 34
SW/SW 6 T17N R8W 5′FSL 20′FWL 18
SE/SW 6 T17N R8W 5′FSL 2635′FWL 20