Title 36
Subpart B - Preferential Right To Relocate
- 40 U.S.C. 874(e); 40 U.S.C. 875(8); 40 U.S.C. 877(d).
- 48 FR 55459, Dec. 13, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
36: | SECTION 908.10 | 908.10 Criteria of Qualified Person. | |
36: | SECTION 908.11 | 908.11 List of Qualified Persons. | |
36: | SECTION 908.12 | 908.12 Retention on the List of Qualified Persons. | |
36: | SECTION 908.13 | 908.13 Rights of Qualified Persons. | |
36: | SECTION 908.14 | 908.14 Requirements placed on developers that have acquired or leased real property from the Corporation. | |
36: | SECTION 908.15 | 908.15 Requirements placed on developers that have not acquired or leased real property from the Corporation. |