Title 36

PART 908

Part 908 - Policy And Procedures To Facilitate The Retention Of Displaced Businesses And Residents In The Pennsylvania Avenue Development Area

PART 908 - POLICY AND PROCEDURES TO FACILITATE THE RETENTION OF DISPLACED BUSINESSES AND RESIDENTS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE DEVELOPMENT AREA Authority:40 U.S.C. 874(e); 40 U.S.C. 875(8); 40 U.S.C. 877(d). Source:48 FR 55459, Dec. 13, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - General
36: 908.1
   908.1 Policy.
36: 908.2
   908.2 Purpose.
36: 908.3
   908.3 Definitions.
36: B
Subpart B - Preferential Right To Relocate
36: 908.10
   908.10 Criteria of Qualified Person.
36: 908.11
   908.11 List of Qualified Persons.
36: 908.12
   908.12 Retention on the List of Qualified Persons.
36: 908.13
   908.13 Rights of Qualified Persons.
36: 908.14
   908.14 Requirements placed on developers that have acquired or leased real property from the Corporation.
36: 908.15
   908.15 Requirements placed on developers that have not acquired or leased real property from the Corporation.
36: C
Subpart C [Reserved]
36: D
Subpart D - Review Procedure
36: 908.30
   908.30 Request for review.
36: 908.31
   908.31 Time for filing request for review.
36: 908.32
   908.32 Review procedures.
36: 908.33
   908.33 Final determination.