Title 36

PART 328

Part 328 - Regulation Of Seaplane Operations At Civil Works Water Resource Development Projects Administered By The Chief Of Engineers

PART 328 - REGULATION OF SEAPLANE OPERATIONS AT CIVIL WORKS WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ADMINISTERED BY THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS Authority:Sec. 4 of the Act of Dec. 22, 1944, 58 Stat. 889, as amended, (16 U.S.C. 460d). Source:42 FR 59076, Nov. 15, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

36: 328.1
   328.1 Purpose.
36: 328.2
   328.2 Applicability.
36: 328.3
   328.3 References.
36: 328.4
   328.4 Policy.
36: 328.5
   328.5 Guidelines for seaplane use of project waters.
36: 328.6
   328.6 Procedures.
36: 328.7
   328.7 Other authorities.