Title 36


Subpart A - Locatable Minerals

36: 228.1
   228.1 Purpose.
36: 228.2
   228.2 Scope.
36: 228.3
   228.3 Definitions.
36: 228.4
   228.4 Plan of operations - notice of intent - requirements.
36: 228.5
   228.5 Plan of operations - approval.
36: 228.6
   228.6 Availability of information to the public.
36: 228.7
   228.7 Inspection, noncompliance.
36: 228.8
   228.8 Requirements for environmental protection.
36: 228.9
   228.9 Maintenance during operations, public safety.
36: 228.10
   228.10 Cessation of operations, removal of structures and equipment.
36: 228.11
   228.11 Prevention and control of fire.
36: 228.12
   228.12 Access.
36: 228.13
   228.13 Bonds.
36: 228.14
   228.14 Appeals.
36: 228.15
   228.15 Operations within National Forest Wilderness.