Title 36

PART 228

Part 228 - Minerals

PART 228 - MINERALS Authority:16 U.S.C. 478, 551; 30 U.S.C. 226, 352, 601, 611; 94 Stat. 2400. Source:39 FR 31317, Aug. 28, 1974, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 46 FR 36142, July 14, 1981.

36: A
Subpart A - Locatable Minerals
36: 228.1
   228.1 Purpose.
36: 228.2
   228.2 Scope.
36: 228.3
   228.3 Definitions.
36: 228.4
   228.4 Plan of operations - notice of intent - requirements.
36: 228.5
   228.5 Plan of operations - approval.
36: 228.6
   228.6 Availability of information to the public.
36: 228.7
   228.7 Inspection, noncompliance.
36: 228.8
   228.8 Requirements for environmental protection.
36: 228.9
   228.9 Maintenance during operations, public safety.
36: 228.10
   228.10 Cessation of operations, removal of structures and equipment.
36: 228.11
   228.11 Prevention and control of fire.
36: 228.12
   228.12 Access.
36: 228.13
   228.13 Bonds.
36: 228.14
   228.14 Appeals.
36: 228.15
   228.15 Operations within National Forest Wilderness.
36: B
Subpart B - Leasable Minerals
36: 228.20-228.39
   228.20-228.39 [Reserved]
36: C
Subpart C - Disposal of Mineral Materials
36: 21
   General Provisions
36: 228.40
   228.40 Authority.
36: 228.41
   228.41 Scope.
36: 228.42
   228.42 Definitions.
36: 228.43
   228.43 Policy governing disposal.
36: 228.44
   228.44 Disposal on existing Federal leased areas.
36: 228.45
   228.45 Qualifications of applicants.
36: 228.46
   228.46 Application of other laws and regulations.
36: 228.47
   228.47 General terms and conditions of contracts and permits.
36: 228.48
   228.48 Appraisal and measurement.
36: 228.49
   228.49 Reappraisal.
36: 228.50
   228.50 Production records.
36: 228.51
   228.51 Bonding.
36: 228.52
   228.52 Assignments.
36: 228.53
   228.53 Term.
36: 228.54
   228.54 Single entry sales or permits.
36: 228.55
   228.55 Cancellation or suspension.
36: 228.56
   228.56 Operating plans.
36: 22
   Types and Methods of Disposal
36: 228.57
   228.57 Types of disposal.
36: 228.58
   228.58 Competitive sales.
36: 228.59
   228.59 Negotiated or noncompetitive sales.
36: 228.60
   228.60 Prospecting permits.
36: 228.61
   228.61 Preference right negotiated sales.
36: 228.62
   228.62 Free use.
36: 228.63
   228.63 Removal under terms of a timber sale or other Forest Service contract.
36: 228.64
   228.64 Community sites and common-use areas.
36: 228.65
   228.65 Payment for sales.
36: 228.66
   228.66 Refunds.
36: 228.67
   228.67 Information collection requirements.
36: D
Subpart D - Miscellaneous Minerals Provisions
36: 228.80
   228.80 Operations within Misty Fjords and Admiralty Island National Monuments, Alaska.
36: E
Subpart E - Oil and Gas Resources
36: 23
36: 228.100
   228.100 Scope and applicability.
36: 228.101
   228.101 Definitions.
36: 228.102
   228.102 Leasing analyses and decisions.
36: 228.103
   228.103 Notice of appeals of decisions.
36: 228.104
   228.104 Consideration of requests to modify, waive, or grant exceptions to lease stipulations.
36: 24
   Authorization of Occupancy Within a Leasehold
36: 228.105
   228.105 Issuance of onshore orders and notices to lessees.
36: 228.106
   228.106 Operator's submission of surface use plan of operations.
36: 228.107
   228.107 Review of surface use plan of operations.
36: 228.108
   228.108 Surface use requirements.
36: 228.109
   228.109 Bonds.
36: 228.110
   228.110 Indemnification.
36: 25
   Administration of Operations
36: 228.111
   228.111 Temporary cessation of operations.
36: 228.112
   228.112 Compliance and inspection.
36: 228.113
   228.113 Notice of noncompliance.
36: 228.114
   228.114 Material noncompliance proceedings.
36: 228.115
   228.115 Additional notice of decisions.
36: 228.116
   228.116 Information collection requirements.