Title 36


Subpart A - General Provisions

36: 218.1
   218.1 Purpose and scope.
36: 218.2
   218.2 Definitions.
36: 218.3
   218.3 Reviewing officer.
36: 218.4
   218.4 Proposed projects and activities not subject to objection.
36: 218.5
   218.5 Who may file an objection.
36: 218.6
   218.6 Computation of time periods.
36: 218.7
   218.7 Giving notice of objection process for proposed projects and activities subject to objection.
36: 218.8
   218.8 Filing an objection.
36: 218.9
   218.9 Evidence of timely filing.
36: 218.10
   218.10 Objections set aside from review.
36: 218.11
   218.11 Resolution of objections.
36: 218.12
   218.12 Timing of project decision.
36: 218.13
   218.13 Secretary's authority.
36: 218.14
   218.14 Judicial proceedings.
36: 218.15
   218.15 Information collection requirements.
36: 218.16
   218.16 Effective dates.