Title 36


Subpart D - General Restrictions

36: 1256.40
   1256.40 What are general restrictions
36: 1256.42
   1256.42 Who imposes general restrictions
36: 1256.44
   1256.44 Does NARA ever waive general restrictions
36: 1256.46
   1256.46 National security-classified information.
36: 1256.48
   1256.48 Information about internal agency rules and practices.
36: 1256.50
   1256.50 Information exempted from disclosure by statute.
36: 1256.52
   1256.52 Trade secrets and commercial or financial information.
36: 1256.54
   1256.54 Inter- and intra-agency memoranda (subject to privilege).
36: 1256.56
   1256.56 Information that would invade the privacy of a living individual.
36: 1256.58
   1256.58 Information related to law enforcement investigations.
36: 1256.60
   1256.60 Information relating to financial institutions.
36: 1256.62
   1256.62 Geological and geophysical information relating to wells.