Title 36


Subchapter C - Public Availability And Use

36: 1250
36: A
Subpart A - General Information About Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
36: 1250.1
     1250.1 Scope of this part.
36: 1250.2
     1250.2 Presumption of Openness and Proactive Disclosures.
36: 1250.3
     1250.3 Definitions.
36: 1250.4
     1250.4 Who can file a FOIA request
36: 1250.6
     1250.6 Does the FOIA apply to all of the records at NARA
36: 1250.8
     1250.8 Does NARA provide access under FOIA to all the executive branch records housed at NARA facilities
36: 1250.10
     1250.10 Do I need to use FOIA to gain access to records at NARA
36: 1250.12
     1250.12 What types of records are available in NARA's FOIA library
36: 1250.14
     1250.14 Preservation of FOIA-related records.
36: B
Subpart B - How To Request Records Under FOIA
36: 1250.20
     1250.20 What do I include in my FOIA request
36: 1250.22
     1250.22 Where do I send my FOIA request
36: 1250.24
     1250.24 Does NARA accept electronic FOIA requests
36: 1250.26
     1250.26 How does NARA process my FOIA request
36: 1250.27
     1250.27 How does NARA determine estimated completion dates for FOIA requests
36: 1250.28
     1250.28 How do I request expedited processing
36: 1250.30
     1250.30 How does NARA respond to my request
36: 1250.32
     1250.32 How may I request assistance with the FOIA process
36: 1250.38
     1250.38 In what format does NARA provide copies
36: C
Subpart C - Fees
36: 1250.50
     1250.50 General information on fees for all FOIA requests.
36: 1250.51
     1250.51 What fee policies apply to archival records
36: 1250.52
     1250.52 What fee policies apply to operational records
36: 1250.53
     1250.53 What is the FOIA fee schedule for operational records
36: 1250.54
     1250.54 How does NARA calculate FOIA fees for operational records
36: 1250.56
     1250.56 How may I request a fee waiver for operational records
36: D
Subpart D - Appeals
36: 1250.70
     1250.70 When may I appeal NARA's FOIA determination
36: 1250.72
     1250.72 How do I file an appeal
36: 1250.74
     1250.74 How does NARA process appeals
36: E
Subpart E - Confidential Commercial Information
36: 1250.80
     1250.80 How does a submitter identify records containing confidential commercial information
36: 1250.82
     1250.82 How does NARA process FOIA requests for confidential commercial information
36: 1251
36: 1251.1
     1251.1 What is the purpose of this part
36: 1251.2
     1251.2 To what demands does this part apply
36: 1251.3
     1251.3 What definitions apply to this part
36: 1251.4
     1251.4 May employees provide records or give testimony in response to a demand without authorization
36: 1251.6
     1251.6 How does the General Counsel determine whether to comply with a demand for records or testimony
36: 1251.8
     1251.8 Who is authorized to accept service of a subpoena demanding the production of records or testimony
36: 1251.10
     1251.10 What are the filing requirements for a demand for documents or testimony
36: 1251.12
     1251.12 How does NARA process your demand
36: 1251.14
     1251.14 Who makes the final determination on compliance with demands for records or testimony
36: 1251.16
     1251.16 Are there any restrictions that apply to testimony
36: 1251.18
     1251.18 Are there any restrictions that apply to the production of records
36: 1251.20
     1251.20 Are there any fees associated with producing records or providing testimony
36: 1251.22
     1251.22 Are there any penalties for providing records or testimony in violation of this part
36: 1252
36: 1252.1
     1252.1 Scope.
36: 1252.2
     1252.2 Definitions.
36: 1253
36: 1253.1
     1253.1 National Archives Building in Washington, DC.
36: 1253.2
     1253.2 National Archives at College Park.
36: 1253.3
     1253.3 Presidential libraries and museums.
36: 1253.4
     1253.4 Federal records centers (FRCs).
36: 1253.5
     1253.5 Archival research rooms and facilities outside Washington, DC.
36: 1253.6
     1253.6 Office of the Federal Register.
36: 1253.7
     1253.7 Office of Government Information Services.
36: 1253.8
     1253.8 The Center for Legislative Archives.
36: 1253.9
     1253.9 Notification process for changes in hours.
36: 1254
36: A
Subpart A - General Information
36: 1254.1
     1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research
36: 1254.2
     1254.2 Does NARA provide information about documents
36: 1254.4
     1254.4 Where and when are documents available to me for research
36: 1254.6
     1254.6 Do I need a researcher identification card to use archival materials at a NARA facility
36: 1254.8
     1254.8 What information do I need to provide when applying for a researcher identification card
36: 1254.10
     1254.10 For how long and where is my researcher identification card valid
36: 1254.12
     1254.12 Will NARA log or inspect my computer, other equipment, and notes
36: 1254.14
     1254.14 Are some procedures in regional archives and Presidential libraries different from those in the Washington, DC, area
36: B
Subpart B - Research Room Rules
36: 12
  General Procedures
36: 1254.20
     1254.20 What general policies apply in all NARA facilities where archival materials are available for research
36: 1254.22
     1254.22 Do I need to register when I visit a NARA facility for research
36: 1254.24
     1254.24 Whom does NARA allow in research rooms
36: 1254.26
     1254.26 What can I take into a research room with me
36: 1254.28
     1254.28 What items are not allowed in research rooms
36: 1254.30
     1254.30 Does NARA provide any supplies
36: 1254.32
     1254.32 What rules apply to public access use of the Internet on NARA-supplied computers
36: 13
  Rules Relating to Using Original Documents
36: 1254.34
     1254.34 What are my responsibilities when using documents
36: 1254.36
     1254.36 What care must I take when handling documents
36: 1254.38
     1254.38 How do I keep documents in order
36: 1254.40
     1254.40 How does NARA prevent removal of documents
36: 14
  Rules Relating to Using Microfilm
36: 1254.42
     1254.42 What are the rules that apply to using self-service microfilm
36: 1254.44
     1254.44 How long may I use a microfilm reader
36: 15
  Other Conduct Rules
36: 1254.46
     1254.46 Are there other rules of conduct that I must follow
36: 1254.48
     1254.48 When does NARA revoke research privileges
36: 1254.50
     1254.50 Does NARA consider reinstating research privileges
36: 1254.52
     1254.52 Can NARA extend the period of revoked research privileges
36: C
Subpart C - Copying Archival Materials
36: 16
  General Information
36: 1254.60
     1254.60 What are NARA's copying services
36: 1254.62
     1254.62 Does NARA have archival materials protected by copyright
36: 1254.64
     1254.64 Will NARA certify copies
36: 17
  Rules Relating to Self-Service Copying
36: 1254.70
     1254.70 How may I make my own copies of documents
36: 1254.72
     1254.72 What procedures do I follow to copy documents
36: 1254.74
     1254.74 What documents are unsuitable for copying on a self-service or personal copier or scanner
36: 1254.76
     1254.76 What procedures do I follow to copy formerly national security-classified documents
36: 18
  Rules Relating to Using Copying Equipment
36: 1254.80
     1254.80 Does NARA allow me to use scanners or other personal copying equipment
36: 1254.82
     1254.82 What limitations apply to my use of self-service card-operated copiers
36: 1254.84
     1254.84 How may I use a debit card for copiers in the Washington, DC, area
36: 1254.86
     1254.86 May I use a personal paper-to-paper copier at the National Archives at College Park
36: 1254.88
     1254.88 What are the rules for the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Research Room at the National Archives at College Park
36: D
Subpart D - Microfilming Archival Materials
36: 1254.90
     1254.90 What is the scope of this subpart
36: 1254.92
     1254.92 How do I submit a request to microfilm records and donated historical materials
36: 1254.94
     1254.94 What must my request include
36: 1254.96
     1254.96 What credits must I give NARA
36: 1254.98
     1254.98 May NARA make subsequent use of my publication
36: 1254.100
     1254.100 How does NARA evaluate requests
36: 1254.102
     1254.102 What requests does NARA not approve
36: 1254.104
     1254.104 How does NARA determine fees to prepare documents for microfilming
36: 1254.106
     1254.106 What are NARA's equipment standards
36: 1254.108
     1254.108 What are NARA's requirements for the microfilming process
36: 1254.110
     1254.110 Does NARA ever rescind permission to microfilm
36: 1256
36: A
Subpart A - General Information
36: 1256.1
     1256.1 What does this part cover
36: 1256.2
     1256.2 How do I obtain access to records stored in Federal Records Centers
36: 1256.6
     1256.6 How do I obtain access to records of defunct agencies
36: 1256.8
     1256.8 How do I obtain access to Presidential records
36: 1256.10
     1256.10 How do I obtain access to Nixon Presidential materials
36: B
Subpart B - Access to Federal Archival Records
36: 1256.20
     1256.20 May I obtain access to Federal archival records
36: 1256.22
     1256.22 How do I request access to restricted information in Federal archival records
36: 1256.24
     1256.24 How long may access to some records be denied
36: 1256.26
     1256.26 When can I appeal decisions about access to Federal archival records
36: 1256.28
     1256.28 Does NARA make any exceptions for access to records containing privacy-restricted information
36: C
Subpart C - Access to Donated Historical Materials
36: 1256.30
     1256.30 How do I obtain access to donated historical materials
36: 1256.32
     1256.32 How do I request access to restricted information in donated historical materials
36: 1256.34
     1256.34 How long may access to some donated historical materials be denied
36: 1256.36
     1256.36 When can I appeal decisions about access to donated historical materials
36: D
Subpart D - General Restrictions
36: 1256.40
     1256.40 What are general restrictions
36: 1256.42
     1256.42 Who imposes general restrictions
36: 1256.44
     1256.44 Does NARA ever waive general restrictions
36: 1256.46
     1256.46 National security-classified information.
36: 1256.48
     1256.48 Information about internal agency rules and practices.
36: 1256.50
     1256.50 Information exempted from disclosure by statute.
36: 1256.52
     1256.52 Trade secrets and commercial or financial information.
36: 1256.54
     1256.54 Inter- and intra-agency memoranda (subject to privilege).
36: 1256.56
     1256.56 Information that would invade the privacy of a living individual.
36: 1256.58
     1256.58 Information related to law enforcement investigations.
36: 1256.60
     1256.60 Information relating to financial institutions.
36: 1256.62
     1256.62 Geological and geophysical information relating to wells.
36: E
Subpart E - Access to Materials Containing National Security-Classified Information
36: 1256.70
     1256.70 What controls access to national security-classified information
36: 1256.72
     1256.72 What are FOIA requests and mandatory review requests
36: 1256.74
     1256.74 How does NARA process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for classified information
36: 1256.76
     1256.76 How do I request mandatory review of classified information under Executive Order 12958, as amended
36: 1256.78
     1256.78 How does NARA handle my mandatory review request
36: 1256.80
     1256.80 How does NARA provide classified access to historical researchers and former Presidential appointees
36: F
Subpart F - Domestic Distribution of United States Information Agency Audiovisual Materials in the National Archives of the United States
36: 1256.90
     1256.90 What does this subpart cover
36: 1256.92
     1256.92 What is the purpose of this subpart
36: 1256.94
     1256.94 Definition.
36: 1256.96
     1256.96 What provisions apply to the transfer of USIA audiovisual records to the National Archives of the United States
36: 1256.98
     1256.98 Can I get access to and obtain copies of USIA audiovisual records transferred to the National Archives of the United States
36: 1256.100
     1256.100 What is the copying policy for USIA audiovisual records that either have copyright protection or contain copyrighted material
36: 1256.102
     1256.102 What fees does NARA charge
36: 1258
PART 1258 - FEES
36: 1258.1
     1258.1 [Reserved]
36: 1258.2
     1258.2 What definitions apply to the regulations in this part
36: 1258.4
     1258.4 What costs make up the NARA fees
36: 1258.6
     1258.6 How does NARA calculate fees for individual products
36: 1258.8
     1258.8 How does NARA change fees for existing records reproductions
36: 1258.10
     1258.10 How does NARA develop and publicize new records reproduction fees
36: 1258.12
     1258.12 When does NARA provide records reproductions without charge
36: 1258.16
     1258.16 What is NARA's refund policy
36: 1258.18
     1258.18 Where can I find NARA's current fees and information on how to order reproductions