Title 36

PART 1231

Part 1231 - Transfer Of Records From The Custody Of One Executive Agency To Another

PART 1231 - TRANSFER OF RECORDS FROM THE CUSTODY OF ONE EXECUTIVE AGENCY TO ANOTHER Authority:44 U.S.C. 2908. Source:74 FR 51014, Oct. 2, 2009, unless otherwise noted.

36: 1231.1
   1231.1 What is the authority for part 1231
36: 1231.2
   1231.2 What definitions apply to this part
36: 1231.10
   1231.10 Who has the authority to approve the transfer of records from the custody of one executive agency to another
36: 1231.12
   1231.12 How do executive agencies request to transfer records to another executive agency
36: 1231.14
   1231.14 May the records of terminated agencies be transferred to another agency
36: 1231.16
   1231.16 What restrictions are there on use of transferred records
36: 1231.18
   1231.18 When are records transferred between executive agencies without NARA approval