Title 36
Subpart H - Other Vehicles and Systems
- 29 U.S.C. 792 (b) (3); 42 U.S.C. 12204.
- 56 FR 45558, Sept. 6, 1991, unless otherwise noted.
36: | SECTION 1192.171 | 1192.171 General. | |
36: | SECTION 1192.173 | 1192.173 Automated guideway transit vehicles and systems. | |
36: | SECTION 1192.175 | 1192.175 High-speed rail cars, monorails and systems. | |
36: | SECTION 1192.177 | 1192.177 Ferries, excursion boats and other vessels. [Reserved] | |
36: | SECTION 1192.179 | 1192.179 Trams, similar vehicles and systems. | |
36: | APPENDIX | Figures to Part 1192 | |
36: | APPENDIX Appendix A | Appendix A to Part 1192 - Accessibility Guidelines for Buses, Over-the-Road Buses, and Vans |