Appendix A to Part 1192 - Accessibility Guidelines for Buses, Over-the-Road Buses, and Vans
36: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 1192 - Accessibility Guidelines for Buses,
Over-the-Road Buses, and Vans Table of Contents Chapter 1:
Application and Administration T101 Purpose T102 Conventions T103
Definitions Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements T201 General T202
Accessible Means of Boarding and Alighting T203 Steps T204 Doorways
T205 Illumination T206 Handrails, Stanchions, and Handholds T207
Circulation Paths T208 Passenger Access Routes T209 Fare Collection
Devices T210 Wheelchair Spaces T211 Wheelchair Securement Systems
T212 Seat Belts and Shoulder Belts T213 Seats T214 Operable Parts
T215 Communication Features Chapter 3: Building Blocks T301 General
T302 Walking Surfaces T303 Handrails, Stanchions, and Handholds
T304 Operable Parts Chapter 4: Boarding and Alighting T401 General
T402 Ramps and Bridgeplates T403 Lifts T404 Level Boarding and
Alighting T405 Steps Chapter 5: Doorways, Passenger Access Routes,
and Fare Collection Devices T501 General T502 Doorways T503
Illumination T504 Passenger Access Routes T505 Fare Collection
Devices Chapter 6: Wheelchair Spaces and Securement Systems T601
General T602 Wheelchair Spaces T603 Wheelchair Securement Systems
T604 Stowage T605 Seat Belts and Shoulder Belts Chapter 7:
Communication Features T701 General T702 Signs T703 International
Symbol of Accessibility T704 Announcement Systems Chapter 1:
Application and Administration T101 Purpose
T101.1 Purpose. These Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines, which consist
of Chapters 1 through 7, contain scoping and technical requirements
for new, used or remanufactured non-rail vehicles to ensure their
accessibility to, and usability by, individuals with disabilities.
The Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines apply to the extent required by
regulations issued by the Department of Transportation under the
Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 12101 et
T102 Conventions
T102.1 Calculation of Percentages. Where the determination of
the required size or dimension of an element involves ratios or
percentages, rounding down for values less than one half shall be
T102.2 Units of Measurement. Measurements are stated in U.S. and
metric customary units. The values stated in each system (U.S. and
metric customary units) may not be exact equivalents, and each
system shall be used independently of the other.
T102.3 Vehicle Length. The length of non-rail vehicles shall be
measured from standard bumper to standard bumper.
T103 Definitions
T103.1 Terms Defined in Referenced Standards. Terms defined in
referenced standards and not defined in T103.4 shall have the
meaning as defined in the referenced standards.
T103.2 Undefined Terms. Terms not specifically defined in T103.4
or in regulations issued by the Department of Transportation (49
CFR part 37) shall be given their ordinarily accepted meaning in
the sense that the context implies.
T103.3 Interchangeability. Words, terms, and phrases used in the
singular include the plural; and words, terms, and phrases used in
the plural include the singular.
T103.4 Defined Terms. For the purpose of the Non-Rail Vehicle
Guidelines, the following terms have the indicated meaning.
Boarding platform. A platform in a level boarding bus
system raised above standard curb height in order to align
vertically with the transit vehicle entry for level boarding and
Fixed route service (or fixed route). Operation of a
non-rail vehicle along a prescribed route according to a fixed
Large transit entity. A provider of public transportation
that is required to report to the National Transportation Database
(49 U.S.C. 5335), and that, for an any given calendar year, reports
to such database the operation of 100 or more buses in annual
maximum service for all fixed-route service bus modes collectively,
through either direct operation or purchased transportation.
Large non-rail vehicle. Non-rail vehicles that are more
than 25 feet (7.6 m) in length.
Level boarding bus system. A system in which buses
operate where some or all of the designated stops have boarding
platforms and the design of boarding platforms and non-rail
vehicles are coordinated to provide boarding having little or no
change in level between the vehicle floor and the boarding
Non-rail vehicle. A self-propelled, rubber-tired vehicle
used to provide transportation services and intended for use on
city streets, highways, or busways that constitutes either a bus,
over-the-road bus, or van.
Operable part. A component of a device or system used to
insert or withdraw objects, or to activate, deactivate, adjust, or
connect to the device or system. Operable parts include, but are
not limited to, buttons, levers, knobs, smart card targets, coin
and card slots, pull-cords, jacks, data ports, electrical outlets,
and touchscreens.
Small non-rail vehicle. Non-rail vehicles that are equal
to or less than 25 feet (7.6 m) in length.
Surface discontinuities. Differences in level between two
adjacent surfaces. Elevation changes due to ramps or stairs do not,
themselves, constitute surface discontinuities. However, abrupt
changes in level on the walking surface of ramps or stairs are
surface discontinuities.
Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements T201 Scope
T201.1 General. Non-rail vehicles purchased, leased or
remanufactured by entities covered by the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) shall comply with the requirements in the
Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines to the extent required by regulations
issued by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR Part 37.
T201.2 Reduction in Access Prohibited. No modifications to a
non-rail vehicle shall be taken that decrease, or have the effect
of decreasing, the net accessibility or usability of the vehicle
below the requirements of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T202 Accessible Means of Boarding and Alighting
T202.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide at least one
means of accessible boarding and alighting that serves each
designated stop on the fixed route to which the vehicle is
assigned. Non-rail vehicles shall also provide at least one means
of accessible boarding and alighting that can be deployed to the
roadway. Provision of accessible boarding and alighting shall be
made through one or more of the following methods: ramps or
bridgeplates complying with T402, lifts complying with T403, or a
means of level boarding and alighting complying with T404.
T203 Steps
T203.1 General. Steps on non-rail vehicles shall comply with
T204 Doorways
T204.1 General. Doorways on non-rail vehicles shall comply with
T204.2 Doorways with Lifts, Ramps or Bridgeplates. Doorways with
lifts or ramps shall comply with T502.2.
T204.3 Doorways with Level Boarding and Alighting. Doorways with
level boarding and alighting shall comply with T502.3.
T204.4 Doorways with Steps on Over-the-Road Buses. On
over-the-road-buses, doorways with steps shall comply with
T205 Illumination
T205.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide illumination
complying with T503 at ramps, bridgeplates, doorways, and boarding
and alighting areas.
T206 Circulation Paths
T206.1 General. Circulation paths in non-rail vehicles shall
comply with T302.
T207 Handrails, Stanchions, and Handholds
T207.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide handrails,
stanchions, and handholds in accordance with T207. Handrails,
stanchions, and handholds shall comply with T303.
T207.2 Passenger Doorways. Handrails or stanchions shall be
provided at passenger doorways in a configuration that permits
grasping and use from outside the non-rail vehicle and throughout
the boarding and alighting process.
T207.3 Fare Collection Devices. Handrails shall be provided at
fare collection devices and shall be configured so that they can be
used for support when at the fare collection device.
T207.4 Circulation Paths. Handrails, stanchions, and handholds
shall be provided along circulation paths in accordance with
T207.4.1. Small vehicles. Handrails, stanchions, or handholds
shall be provided within small non-rail vehicles in a configuration
that permits onboard circulation and assistance with seating and
T207.4.2. Large vehicles. Handholds or stanchions shall be
provided within large non-rail vehicles on all forward- and
rear-facing seat backs located directly adjacent to the aisle.
Exception: Where high-back seats are provided, handrails
located overhead or on overhead luggage racks shall be permitted
instead of stanchions or handholds.
T208 Passenger Access Routes
T208.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide passenger access
routes that permit boarding and alighting, onboard circulation, and
seating by passengers with disabilities. A passenger access route
shall consist of a route complying with T208.2 between wheelchair
spaces and doorways, walking surfaces complying with T302, and
clearances complying with T504.
T208.2 Connection to Doorways. A passenger access route shall
connect each wheelchair space to doorways that provide a means of
accessible boarding and alighting in accordance with T208.2.
T208.2.1 Doorways on One Side of vehicle. Where non-rail
vehicles have doorways on one side, a passenger access route shall
connect each wheelchair space to a doorway that provides a means of
accessible boarding and alighting in accordance with T202.
T208.2.2 Doorways on Two Sides of vehicle. Where non-rail
vehicles have doorways on two sides, a passenger access route shall
connect each wheelchair space to doorways on both sides of the
vehicle that provide a means of accessible boarding and alighting
in accordance with T202.
T208.2.3 Deployment to Roadway. A passenger access route shall
connect each wheelchair space to a doorway providing a means of
accessible boarding and alighting that can be deployed to the
roadway in accordance with T202.
T209 Fare Collection Devices
T209.1 General. Where non-rail vehicles provide onboard fare
collection devices, at least one fare collection device shall serve
a passenger access route and comply with T505.
T210 Wheelchair Spaces
T210.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide wheelchair
spaces in accordance with T210.
T210.2 Large non-rail vehicles. Large non-rail vehicles shall
provide at least two wheelchair spaces complying with T602.
T210.3 Small non-rail vehicles. Small non-rail vehicles shall
provide at least one wheelchair space complying with T602.
T210.4 Location. Wheelchair spaces shall be located as near as
practicable to doorways that provide a means of accessible boarding
and alighting.
T211 Wheelchair Securement Systems
T211.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide wheelchair
securement systems complying with T603 at each wheelchair
T212 Seat Belts and Shoulder Belts
T212.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide seat belts and
shoulder belts complying with T605 at each wheelchair space.
T213 Seats
T213.1 General. Seats on non-rail vehicles shall comply with
T213.2 Priority Seats. Non-rail vehicles operated in fixed-route
service shall designate at least two seats as priority seats for
passengers with disabilities. Priority seats shall be located as
near as practicable to a doorway used for boarding and alighting.
Where non-rail vehicles provide both aisle-facing and
forward-facing seats, at least one of the priority seats shall be a
forward-facing seat.
T213.3 Armrests at Aisle Seats on Over-the-Road Buses. Where
armrests are provided on the aisle side of seats on over-the-road
buses, folding or removable armrests shall be provided on the aisle
side of at least 50 percent of aisle seats. Priority seats and
moveable or removable seats permitted by T602.4.1 at wheelchair
spaces shall be included among the fifty percent of seats with
folding or removable armrests.
T214 Operable Parts
T214.1 General. Where provided for passenger use, operable parts
at wheelchair spaces and priority seats, stop request systems, and
fare collection devices serving passenger access routes shall
comply with T304.
T215 Communication Features
T215.1 General. Communication features on non-rail vehicles
shall comply with T215.
T215.2 Signs. Signs shall comply with 215.2.
T215.2.1 Priority Seats. Priority seats shall be identified by
signs informing other passengers to make the seats available for
persons with disabilities. Signs at priority seats shall comply
with T702.
T215.2.2 Wheelchair Spaces. Wheelchair spaces shall be
identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying
with T703.
T215.2.3 Doorways. Doorways that provide a means of accessible
boarding and alighting shall be identified on the exterior of the
non-rail vehicle by the International Symbol of Accessibility
complying with T703.
T215.2.4 Destination and Route Signs. Where destination or route
signs are provided on the exterior of non-rail vehicles, such signs
shall be located at a minimum on the front and boarding sides of
the vehicle. The signs shall be illuminated and comply with
T215.3. Public Address and Stop Request Systems. Large non-rail
vehicles that operate in fixed route service with multiple
designated stops shall provide public address and stop request
systems in accordance with T215.3.
T215.3.1 Public Address Systems. Public address systems shall be
provided within non-rail vehicles to announce stops and other
passenger information.
T215.3.2 Stop Request Systems. Where non-rail vehicles stop on
passenger request, stop request systems complying with T704.3 shall
be provided.
T215.4 Automated Announcement Systems. Large non-rail vehicles
operated in fixed route service with multiple designated stops by
large transit entities shall provide automated stop announcement
systems and automated route identification systems in accordance
with T215.4.
T215.4.1 Automated Stop Announcement Systems. Automated stop
announcement systems shall comply with T704.3.1.
T215.4.2 Automated Route Identification Systems. Automated route
identification systems shall comply with T704.3.2.
Chapter 3: Building Blocks T301 General
T301.1 Scope. The requirements in Chapter 3 shall apply where
required by Chapter 2 or where otherwise referenced in any other
chapter of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T302 Walking Surfaces
T302.1 General. Walking surfaces in non-rail vehicles shall
comply with T302.
Exception: Walking surfaces on lifts shall not be
required to comply with T302.
T302.2 Slip Resistant. Walking surfaces shall be slip
T302.3 Openings. Openings in walking surfaces shall not allow
the passage of a sphere more than 5/8 inch (16 mm) in diameter.
Elongated openings shall be placed so that the long dimension is
perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.
Exceptions: 1. Wheelchair securement system components
affixed to walking surfaces shall be permitted to have openings 7/8
inch (22 mm) maximum in width provided that, where such openings
are more than 5/8 inch (16 mm) in width, they contrast visually
with the rest of the walking surface either light-on-dark or
2. Ramp and bridgeplate surfaces shall be permitted to have one
opening 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) maximum in width and 4 1/2 inches (115
mm) maximum in length to allow the operator to grasp the ramp or
bridgeplate for manual operation.
T302.4 Surface Discontinuities. Surface discontinuities shall be
1/2 inch (13 mm) high maximum and shall be beveled with a slope not
steeper than 1:2.
Exceptions: 1. Surface discontinuities 1/4 inch (6.4 mm)
high maximum shall not be required to be beveled.
2. Steps complying with T405 shall be permitted on walking
surfaces that are not part of a passenger access route.
T303 Handrails, Stanchions, and Handholds
T303.1 General. Handrails, stanchions, and handholds in non-rail
vehicles shall comply with T303.
T303.2 Edges. Edges shall be rounded or eased.
T303.3 Cross Section. Gripping surfaces shall have a cross
section complying with T303.3.
T303.3.1 Seat-Back Handhold Cross Section. The cross section of
seat-back handholds shall have an outside diameter of 7/8 inches
(22 mm) minimum and 2 inches (50 mm) maximum.
T303.3.2 Handrail and Stanchion Circular Cross Section.
Handrails and stanchions with a circular cross section shall have
an outside diameter of 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) minimum and 2 inches
(50 mm) maximum.
T303.3.3 Handrail and Stanchion Non-Circular Cross Section.
Handrails and stanchions with a non-circular cross section shall
have a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6 1/4
inches (160 mm) maximum, and a cross section dimension of 2 1/4
inches (57 mm) maximum.
T303.4 Clearance. Clearance between gripping surfaces and
adjacent surfaces shall be 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) minimum.
T304 Operable Parts
T304.1 General. Operable parts in non-rail vehicles shall comply
with T304.
T304.2 Height. Operable parts shall be located 24 inches (610
mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the floor of
non-rail vehicles.
T304.3 Location. Operable parts provided at a wheelchair space
shall be located adjacent to the wheelchair space 24 inches (610
mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum from the rear of the
wheelchair space measured horizontally.
T304.4 Operation. Operable parts shall be operable with one hand
and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the
wrist. The force required to activate operable parts shall be 5 lbf
(22.2 N) maximum.
Chapter 4: Boarding and Alighting T401 General
T401.1 Scope. The requirements in Chapter 4 shall apply where
required by Chapter 2 or where otherwise referenced in any other
chapter of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T402 Ramps and Bridgeplates
T402.1 General. Ramps and bridgeplates shall comply with T402.
Ramps and bridgeplates shall be permitted to fold or telescope.
T402.2 Design Load. Ramps and bridgeplates 30 inches (760 mm) or
more in length shall be designed to support a load of 600 pounds
(273 kg) minimum, placed at the centroid of the ramp distributed
over an area of 26 inches by 26 inches. The design load of ramps
and bridgeplates less than 30 inches (760 mm) in length shall be
300 pounds (136 kg) minimum. The factor of safety for ramps and
bridgeplates shall be 3 or more, based on the ultimate strength of
the material.
T402.3 Installation and Operation. When used for boarding and
alighting, ramps and bridgeplates shall be firmly attached to the
non-rail vehicle to prevent displacement. Ramps and bridgeplates
provided on large non-rail vehicles shall be permanently installed
and power operated.
Exception: Ramps and bridgeplates on large non-rail
vehicles that serve only designated stops with boarding platforms
providing level boarding and alighting shall not be required to be
permanently attached and power operated provided that portable
ramps or bridgeplates capable of deployment to the roadway are
carried onboard.
T402.4 Emergency Operation. Power-operated ramps and
bridgeplates shall be capable of manual operation in the event of a
power failure.
T402.5 Surfaces. Ramp and bridgeplate surface material shall
comply with T302 and extend across the full width and length of the
ramp or bridgeplate.
T402.6 Clear Width. The clear width of ramps and bridgeplates
shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum.
T402.7 Edge Guards. Ramps and bridgeplates shall provide edge
guards continuously along each side of the ramp or bridgeplate to
within 3 inches (75 mm) of the end of the ramp or bridgeplate that
is deployed furthest from the non-rail vehicle. Edge guards shall
be 2 inches (51 mm) high minimum above the ramp or bridgeplate
T402.8 Running Slope. The maximum running slope of ramps and
bridgeplates shall comply with T402.8.1 or T402.8.2.
T402.8.1 Deployment to Roadways or to Curb Height Boarding and
Alighting Areas. The running slope of ramps and bridgeplates used
for deployment to the roadway or to curb-height boarding and
alighting areas shall be 1:6 maximum, as measured to ground level
with the non-rail vehicle resting on a flat surface.
T402.8.2 Deployment to Boarding Platforms. The running slope of
ramps and bridgeplates used for deployment to platforms shall be
1:8 maximum, as measured to the boarding platform with the non-rail
vehicle resting on a flat surface.
T402.9 Transitions. Vertical surface discontinuities at
transitions from boarding and alighting areas to ramps and
bridgeplates shall comply with T302.4.
T402.10 Visual Contrast. The perimeter of the walking surface on
ramps and bridgeplates shall be marked by a stripe. The stripe
shall be 1 inch (25 mm) wide minimum and shall contrast visually
with the rest of the walking surface either light-on-dark or
T402.11 Gaps. When ramps or bridgeplates are deployed for
boarding and alighting, gaps between the ramp or bridgeplate
surface and floor of non-rail vehicles shall not permit passage of
a sphere more than 5/8 inch (16 mm) in diameter.
T402.12 Stowage. Where portable ramps and bridgeplates are
permitted, a compartment, securement system, or other storage
method shall be provided within the non-rail vehicle to stow such
ramps and bridgeplates when not in use.
T403 Lifts
T403.1 General. Lifts shall comply with T403 and the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards (FMVSS) for public use lifts at 49 CFR 571.403 and
T403.2 Boarding Direction. Lift platforms shall be designed to
permit passengers who use wheelchairs the option to board the
platforms facing either toward or away from the non-rail
T404 Level Boarding and Alighting
T404.1 General. Boarding and alighting at boarding platforms in
level boarding bus systems shall comply with T404.
T404.2 Vehicle Floor and Boarding Platform Coordination. The
design of non-rail vehicles shall be coordinated with the boarding
platforms to minimize the gap between the vehicle floor and the
boarding platforms.
T404.3 Ramps and Bridgeplates. Where the space between the floor
of non-rail vehicles and a boarding platform is greater than 2
inches (51 mm) horizontally or 5/8 inch (16 mm) vertically when
measured at 50 percent passenger load with the vehicle at rest,
non-rail vehicles shall provide ramps or bridgeplates complying
with T402.
T405 Steps
T405.1 General. Steps shall comply with T405.
T405.2 Surfaces. Step tread surfaces shall comply with T302.
T405.3 Visual Contrast. The outer edge of step treads shall be
marked by a stripe. The stripe shall be 1 inch (25 mm) wide minimum
and shall contrast visually with the rest of the step tread or
circulation path surface either light-on-dark or dark-on-light.
Chapter 5: Doorways, Circulation Paths and Fare Collection Devices
T501 General
T501.1 Scope. The requirements in Chapter 5 shall apply where
required by Chapter 2 or where otherwise referenced in any other
chapter of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T502 Doorways
T502.1 General. Doorways in non-rail vehicles shall comply with
T502.2 Doorways with Lifts, Ramps or Bridgeplates. The vertical
clearance at doorways with lifts, ramps or bridgeplates shall
comply with T502.2. Vertical clearance shall be measured from the
inside finished edge of the door opening to the highest point of
the deployed lift, ramp or bridgeplate below.
T502.2.1 Over-the-Road Buses. For over-the-road buses, the
vertical clearance at doorways shall be 65 inches (1650 mm)
T502.2.2 Other Vehicles. For other non-rail vehicles, the
vertical clearance at doorways shall be 56 inches (1420 mm) minimum
on small non-rail vehicles and 68 inches (1725 mm) on large
non-rail vehicles.
T502.3 Doorways with Level Boarding. Doorways on non-rail
vehicles designed for level boarding bus systems shall comply with
T502.3.1 Clear Width. Doorways shall provide a clear opening of
32 inches (810 mm) minimum.
T502.3.2 Thresholds. Thresholds at doorways shall be marked by a
stripe. The stripe shall be 1 inch (25 mm) wide minimum and
contrast with the rest of the walking surface either light-on-dark
or dark-on-light.
T502.4 Doorways with Steps on Over-the-Road Buses. On
over-the-road buses, doorways with steps shall provide an opening
with a clear width of 30 inches (760 mm) minimum.
Exceptions: 1. The door opening clear width above a
height of 48 inches (1220 mm) measured from the lowest step tread
shall be permitted to taper so as to reduce in width to 18 inches
(457 mm) minimum.
2. Where compliance with T502.4 is not structurally feasible,
the door opening clear width shall be permitted to be 27 in (685
mm) minimum.
3. Hinges and other door mechanisms shall be permitted to
protrude 4 inches (100 mm) maximum into the door opening clear
width at or below 48 inches (1220 mm) in height measured from the
lowest step tread.
T503 Illumination
T503.1 General. Illumination shall be provided at ramps,
bridgeplates, doorways, and boarding and alighting areas in
accordance with T503. Lights shall be shielded so as not to project
directly into the eyes of entering and exiting passengers.
T503.2 Ramps and Bridgeplates. When ramps or bridgeplates are
deployed, the walking surface shall be lighted with 2 foot-candles
(22 lux) minimum of illumination.
T503.3 Steps at Front Doorways. The walking surface on steps
serving the front doorway of non-rail vehicles shall be lighted
with 2 foot-candles (22 lux) minimum of illumination when the
vehicle doors are open.
T503.4 Steps at Other Doorways. The walking surface on steps
serving all other non-rail vehicle doorways shall be lighted at all
times with 2 foot-candles (22 lux) minimum of illumination.
T503.5 Exterior Illumination for Boarding and Alighting Areas.
Exterior lighting shall be provided to illuminate walking surfaces
of boarding and alighting areas when the doors of non-rail vehicles
are open. Where doorways have steps, the illumination shall be 1
foot-candle (11 lux) minimum for a distance of 3 feet (915 mm)
measured beyond the outside edge of the doorway or bottom step
tread. Where doorways have ramps, bridgeplates or lifts, the
illumination shall be 1 foot-candle (11 lux) minimum for a distance
of 3 feet (915 mm) measured beyond the edge of the ramp,
bridgeplate or lift farthest from the non-rail vehicle.
T504 Passenger Access Routes
T504.1 General. Passenger access routes shall provide clearances
that are sufficient to permit passengers using wheelchairs to move
between wheelchair spaces and doorways that provide accessible
boarding and alighting, and to enter and exit wheelchair
T505 Fare Collection Devices
T505.1 General. Fare collection devices in non-rail vehicles
shall comply with T505.
T505.2 Location. Fare collection devices shall be located so as
not to interfere with wheelchair movement along passenger access
T505.3 Location of Operable Parts. Operable parts shall be
located so that they are reachable by passengers using wheelchair
when parked in a clear space 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum and 48
inches (1220 mm) long minimum. Operable parts shall be located
adjacent to the toe end of the clear space or shall be located no
more than 10 inches (255 mm) measured from the centerline of the
long dimension of the clear space.
Chapter 6: Wheelchair Spaces and Securement Systems T601 General
T601.1 Scope. The requirements in Chapter 6 shall apply where
required by Chapter 2 or where otherwise referenced in any other
chapter of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T602 Wheelchair Spaces
T602.1 General. Wheelchair spaces in non-rail vehicles shall
comply with T602.
T602.2 Surfaces. Wheelchair space surfaces shall comply with
T602.3 Approach. One full unobstructed side of each wheelchair
space shall adjoin or overlap a passenger access route.
T602.4 Size. Wheelchair spaces shall be 30 inches (760 mm)
minimum in width and 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum in length.
Exception: The portion of the wheelchair space occupied
by wheelchair footrests shall be permitted to be located beneath
another seat provided that space beneath the seat is 30 inches (760
mm) wide minimum, 9 inches (230 mm) high minimum, and 6 inches (150
mm) deep minimum.
T602. 5 Fold-Down or Removable Seats. Fold-down or removable
seats shall be permitted in wheelchair spaces, provided that, when
folded up or stowed, they do not obstruct the minimum size of the
wheelchair space specified in T602.4.
T603 Wheelchair Securement Systems
T603.1 General. Wheelchair securement systems in non-rail
vehicles, including attachments, shall comply with T603.
T603.2 Orientation. Wheelchair securement systems shall secure
the wheelchair so that the occupant faces the front of the non-rail
Exception: On large non-rail vehicles designed for use by
both seated and standing passengers, rear-facing wheelchair
securement systems shall be permitted provided that at least one
wheelchair securement system is front facing.
T603.3 Design Load. Wheelchair securement systems shall comply
with the design loads specified in T603.3.1 or T603.3.2, as
T603.3.1 Non-Rail Vehicles with Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Equal to or Greater than 30,000 lbs. On non-rail vehicles with a
gross vehicle weight rating equal to or greater than 30,000 pounds
(13,608 kg), wheelchair securement systems shall restrain a force
in the forward longitudinal direction of 2,000 lbf (8,800 N)
minimum for each wheelchair.
T603.3.2 Non-Rail Vehicles with Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Less
than 30,000 lbs. On non-rail vehicles with a gross vehicle weight
rating less than 30,000 pounds (13,608 kg), wheelchair securement
systems shall restrain a force in the forward longitudinal
direction of 5,000 lbf (22,000 N) minimum for each wheelchair.
T603.4 Movement. Wheelchair securement systems shall limit the
movement of an occupied wheelchair to 2 inches (51 mm) maximum in
any direction when secured in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and when the non-rail vehicle is operating in normal
T603.5 Securement Systems for Rear-Facing Wheelchair Positions.
Rear-facing wheelchair securement systems shall provide forward
excursion barriers and padded head rests that comply with ISO
10865-1:2012(E), Wheelchair containment and occupant retention
systems for accessible transport vehicles designed for use by both
sitting and standing passengers - Part 1: Systems for rearward
facing wheelchair-seated passengers, First Edition, June 5, 2012
[ISO Standard 10865-1:2012(E)]. ISO Standard 10865-1:2012(E) is
incorporated by reference into this section with the approval of
the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in
this section, a notice of change must be published in the Federal
Register and the material must be made available to the public. All
approved material is available for inspection at the U.S. Access
Board, 1331 F Street NW., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004-1111,
(202) 272-0080 (voice), (202) 272-0082 (TTY) and is available from
the International Organization for Standardization, ISO Central
Secretariat, 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20,
Switzerland ( It is
also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to
T604 Stowage
T604.1 General. When wheelchair securement systems are not in
use, the systems shall not protrude into the wheelchair space
except as provided in T603.5, and shall not interfere with
passenger movement or pose a hazard. Wheelchair securement systems
shall be reasonably protected from vandalism, and shall be readily
accessed then needed for use.
T605 Seat Belts and Shoulder Belts
T605.1 General. Seat belts and shoulder belts provided for
passengers who use wheelchairs shall comply with 49 CFR 571.209.
Seat belts and shoulder belts shall not be used in place of
wheelchair securement systems complying with T603.
Chapter 7: Communication Features T701 General
T701.1 Scope. The requirements in Chapter 7 shall apply where
required by Chapter 2 or where otherwise referenced in any other
chapter of the Non-Rail Vehicle Guidelines.
T702 Signs
T702.1 General. Signs on non-rail vehicles shall comply with
T702.2 Character Style. Characters shall be displayed in sans
serif fonts and shall not use italic, oblique, script, highly
decorative, or other unusual forms.
T702.3 Character Proportions. Characters shall use fonts where
the width of the uppercase letter “O” is 55 percent minimum and 110
percent maximum of the height of the uppercase letter “I”.
T702.4 Character Height. Character height shall comply with
Table T702.4. Character height shall be based on the uppercase
letter “I”.
Table T702.4 - Character Height
Sign location |
character height |
Exterior route or
destination signs on boarding side of non-rail vehicle |
2 inches (51 mm). |
Exterior route or
destination signs on front of non-rail vehicle |
4 inches (100 mm). |
Interior signs
designating wheelchair spaces or priority seats, where baseline of
character is equal to or less than 70 inches (1780 mm) above the
non-rail vehicle floor |
5/8 inch (16 mm). |
Interior signs
designating wheelchair spaces, priority seats, stop announcements,
or stop requests where baseline of character is more than 70 inches
(1780 mm) above the non-rail vehicle floor |
2 inches (51 mm). |
T702.5 Stroke Thickness. Stroke thickness of the uppercase
letter “I” shall be 10 percent minimum and 30 percent maximum of
the height of the character.
T702.6 Character Spacing. Character spacing shall be measured
between the two closest points of adjacent characters, excluding
word spaces. Spacing between individual characters shall be 10
percent minimum and 35 percent maximum of character height.
T702.7 Line Spacing. Spacing between the baselines of separate
lines of characters within a message shall be 135 percent minimum
and 170 percent maximum of the character height.
T702.8 Contrast. Characters shall contrast with their background
with either light characters on a dark background or dark
characters on a light background. Where provided, protective
surfaces over signs shall have a non-glare finish.
T703 International Symbol of Accessibility
T703.1 General. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall
comply with Figure T703.1. The symbol shall have a background field
height of 4 inches (100 mm) minimum. The symbol and its background
shall have a non-glare finish. The symbol shall contrast with its
background with either a light symbol on a dark background or a
dark symbol on a light background.
Figure T703.1 International Symbol of Accessibility

T704 Announcement
T704.1 General. Non-rail vehicles shall provide announcement
systems in accordance with T704.
T704.2 Stop Request Systems. Stop request systems shall comply
with T704.3.
T704.2.1 Audible and visible notification. Audible and visible
notification shall be provided onboard indicating when passengers
have requested to disembark at the next stop on the fixed route.
Audible notifications shall be verbal or non-verbal signals and
sound only once for each stop. Visible components of stop request
systems shall include signs complying with T702, lights, or other
visually perceptible indicators. Visible components shall
illuminate or activate with a stop request, be viewable onboard
from all wheelchair spaces and priority seats for passengers with
disabilities, and extinguish when the doors open at a stop on
non-rail vehicles.
T704.2.2 Operation. A mechanism for requesting stops shall be
located at each wheelchair space and priority seat for passengers
with disabilities. Operable parts on stop request systems shall
comply with T304.
T704.3 Automated Announcement Systems. Automated systems for
stop announcements and route identification announcements shall
comply with T704.3.
T704.3.1 Automated Stop Announcements. Automated stop
announcement systems shall provide audible and visible notification
of upcoming stops on fixed routes. Stop announcements shall use
synthesized, recorded or digitized speech and be audible within
non-rail vehicles. Visible components of stop announcements shall
consist of signs complying with T702. Signs shall be viewable
onboard from all wheelchair spaces and priority seats for
passengers with disabilities.
T704.3.2 Automated Route Identification Announcements. Automated
route identification systems shall audibly and visibly identify the
fixed route on which the non-rail vehicle is operating. Audible
route identification announcements shall be broadcast externally at
boarding and alighting areas using synthesized, recorded or
digitized speech. Signs displaying route identification information
shall be provided on the front and boarding sides of non-rail
vehicles. Signs shall comply with T702.