Title 36

PART 1253

Part 1253 - Location Of Nara Facilities And Hours Of Use

PART 1253 - LOCATION OF NARA FACILITIES AND HOURS OF USE Authority:44 U.S.C. 2104(a). Source:85 FR 26849, May 6, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

36: 1253.1
   1253.1 National Archives Building in Washington, DC.
36: 1253.2
   1253.2 National Archives at College Park.
36: 1253.3
   1253.3 Presidential libraries and museums.
36: 1253.4
   1253.4 Federal records centers (FRCs).
36: 1253.5
   1253.5 Archival research rooms and facilities outside Washington, DC.
36: 1253.6
   1253.6 Office of the Federal Register.
36: 1253.7
   1253.7 Office of Government Information Services.
36: 1253.8
   1253.8 The Center for Legislative Archives.
36: 1253.9
   1253.9 Notification process for changes in hours.