Title 34


Subpart B - State Plan and Other Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation Services

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34: 361.10
   361.10 Submission, approval, and disapproval of the State plan.
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   361.11 Withholding of funds.
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   361.12 Methods of administration.
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   361.13 State agency for administration.
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   361.14 Substitute State agency.
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   361.15 Local administration.
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   361.16 Establishment of an independent commission or a State Rehabilitation Council.
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   361.17 Requirements for a State Rehabilitation Council.
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   361.18 Comprehensive system of personnel development.
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   361.19 Affirmative action for individuals with disabilities.
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   361.20 Public participation requirements.
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   361.21 Consultations regarding the administration of the vocational rehabilitation services portion of the Unified or Combined State plan.
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   361.22 Coordination with education officials.
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   361.23 Requirements related to the statewide workforce development system.
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   361.24 Cooperation and coordination with other entities.
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   361.25 Statewideness.
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   361.26 Waiver of statewideness.
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   361.27 Shared funding and administration of joint programs.
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   361.28 Third-party cooperative arrangements involving funds from other public agencies.
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   361.29 Statewide assessment; annual estimates; annual State goals and priorities; strategies; and progress reports.
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   361.30 Services to American Indians.
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   361.31 Cooperative agreements with private nonprofit organizations.
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   361.32 Provision of training and services for employers.
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   361.33 [Reserved]
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   361.34 Supported employment State plan supplement.
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   361.35 Innovation and expansion activities.
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   361.36 Ability to serve all eligible individuals; order of selection for services.
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   361.37 Information and referral programs.
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   361.38 Protection, use, and release of personal information.
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   361.39 State-imposed requirements.
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   361.40 Reports; Evaluation standards and performance indicators.
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Provision and Scope of Services
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   361.41 Processing referrals and applications.
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   361.42 Assessment for determining eligibility and priority for services.
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   361.43 Procedures for ineligibility determination.
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   361.44 Closure without eligibility determination.
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   361.45 Development of the individualized plan for employment.
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   361.46 Content of the individualized plan for employment.
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   361.47 Record of services.
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   361.48 Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities.
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   361.49 Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for groups of individuals with disabilities.
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   361.50 Written policies governing the provision of services for individuals with disabilities.
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   361.51 Standards for facilities and providers of services.
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   361.52 Informed choice.
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   361.53 Comparable services and benefits.
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   361.54 Participation of individuals in cost of services based on financial need.
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   361.55 Semi-annual and annual review of individuals in extended employment and other employment under special certificate provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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   361.56 Requirements for closing the record of services of an individual who has achieved an employment outcome.
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   361.57 Review of determinations made by designated State unit personnel.