Title 30


Subpart C - Obligations Under This Part

30: 217
Prohibitions and Requirements
30: 580.20
   580.20 What must I not do in conducting Geological and Geophysical (G&G) prospecting or scientific research
30: 580.21
   580.21 What must I do in conducting G&G prospecting or scientific research
30: 580.22
   580.22 What must I do when seeking approval for modifications
30: 580.23
   580.23 How must I cooperate with inspection activities
30: 580.24
   580.24 What reports must I file
30: 218
Interrupted Activities
30: 580.25
   580.25 When may BOEM require me to stop activities under this part
30: 580.26
   580.26 When may I resume activities
30: 580.27
   580.27 When may BOEM cancel my permit
30: 580.28
   580.28 May I relinquish my permit
30: 219
Environmental Issues
30: 580.29
   580.29 Will BOEM monitor the environmental effects of my activity
30: 580.30
   580.30 What activities will not require environmental analysis
30: 580.31
   580.31 Whom will BOEM notify about environmental issues
30: 220
Penalties and Appeals
30: 580.32
   580.32 What penalties may I be subject to
30: 580.33
   580.33 How can I appeal a penalty
30: 580.34
   580.34 How can I appeal an order or decision