Title 30


Subpart Q - Decommissioning Activities

30: 121
30: 250.1700
   250.1700 What do the terms “decommissioning”, “obstructions”, and “facility” mean
30: 250.1701
   250.1701 Who must meet the decommissioning obligations in this subpart
30: 250.1702
   250.1702 When do I accrue decommissioning obligations
30: 250.1703
   250.1703 What are the general requirements for decommissioning
30: 250.1704
   250.1704 What decommissioning applications and reports must I submit and when must I submit them
30: 250.1705-250.1709
   250.1705-250.1709 [Reserved]
30: 122
Permanently Plugging Wells
30: 250.1710
   250.1710 When must I permanently plug all wells on a lease
30: 250.1711
   250.1711 When will BSEE order me to permanently plug a well
30: 250.1712
   250.1712 What information must I submit before I permanently plug a well or zone
30: 250.1713
   250.1713 [Reserved]
30: 250.1714
   250.1714 What must I accomplish with well plugs
30: 250.1715
   250.1715 How must I permanently plug a well
30: 250.1716
   250.1716 To what depth must I remove wellheads and casings
30: 250.1717
   250.1717 [Reserved]
30: 123
Temporary Abandoned Wells
30: 250.1721
   250.1721 If I temporarily abandon a well that I plan to re-enter, what must I do
30: 250.1722
   250.1722 If I install a subsea protective device, what requirements must I meet
30: 250.1723
   250.1723 What must I do when it is no longer necessary to maintain a well in temporary abandoned status
30: 124
Removing Platforms and Other Facilities
30: 250.1725
   250.1725 When do I have to remove platforms and other facilities
30: 250.1726
   250.1726 When must I submit an initial platform removal application and what must it include
30: 250.1727
   250.1727 What information must I include in my final application to remove a platform or other facility
30: 250.1728
   250.1728 To what depth must I remove a platform or other facility
30: 250.1729
   250.1729 After I remove a platform or other facility, what information must I submit
30: 250.1730
   250.1730 When might BSEE approve partial structure removal or toppling in place
30: 250.1731
   250.1731 Who is responsible for decommissioning an OCS facility subject to an Alternate Use RUE
30: 125
Site Clearance for Wells, Platforms, and Other Facilities
30: 250.1740
   250.1740 How must I verify that the site of a permanently plugged well, removed platform, or other removed facility is clear of obstructions
30: 250.1741
   250.1741 If I drag a trawl across a site, what requirements must I meet
30: 250.1742
   250.1742 What other methods can I use to verify that a site is clear
30: 250.1743
   250.1743 How do I certify that a site is clear of obstructions
30: 126
Pipeline Decommissioning
30: 250.1750
   250.1750 When may I decommission a pipeline in place
30: 250.1751
   250.1751 How do I decommission a pipeline in place
30: 250.1752
   250.1752 How do I remove a pipeline
30: 250.1753
   250.1753 After I decommission a pipeline, what information must I submit
30: 250.1754
   250.1754 When must I remove a pipeline decommissioned in place